What to expect

Each day is dif­fer­ent. Each tour is different.

The Aus­tralian sea lions in Seal Bay are not domes­ti­cat­ed. There are no cages or enclo­sures in this wild colony and no expec­ta­tions are placed on the ani­mals – their loca­tion and behav­iour changes from day to day.

A vis­it to Seal Bay gives you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to immerse your­self in the beau­ti­ful sur­rounds of this colony – white sands, blue skies, unspoiled vis­tas – to learn about the endan­gered sea lions from our very expe­ri­enced guides, at a safe distance.

On a guid­ed tour, guides lead you down off the tour plat­form and onto the beach. For safe­ty rea­sons your group will stay togeth­er at all times. Remem­ber this is a colony of wild ani­mals, and the pro­tec­tive bulls can weigh up to 350kg.

This is a true nature adven­ture so you nev­er real­ly know what to expect, but cir­cum­stances per­mit­ting, your group could get with­in 10 metres of the sea lions.

In win­ter, the sea lions tend to move back into the sand dune sys­tem for warmth so some­times you’ll come across them in the strangest of places. They have been spot­ted under­neath the board­walk, on the path lead­ing down to the beach, even up by the vis­i­tors centre!

Please be aware that it is ille­gal to leave the board­walk or to vis­it the beach at any time with­out a guide. It is also ille­gal (and poten­tial­ly dan­ger­ous) to touch the animals.