List your event

List your event

Are you hold­ing a work­ing bee, plant­i­ng day, bush­walk­ing event, surf­ing com­pe­ti­tion or trail run in a park? Per­haps you’re organ­is­ing a med­i­ta­tion retreat or a par­ents’ group meet­ing and want more peo­ple to find out about it and get involved.

We’ve cre­at­ed a new fea­ture to dis­play events hap­pen­ing in and around parks. You’re invit­ed to con­tribute your events to have them dis­played in the what’s on” sec­tion under see and do” on the indi­vid­ual park pages. Take a look at the Belair Nation­al Park page to see an example.

How does the events fea­ture work?

The events fea­ture uses data from a tourism data­base called the Aus­tralian Tourism Data Ware­house (ATDW).

The ATDW is a store of tourism infor­ma­tion owned joint­ly by state tourism author­i­ties such as the South Aus­tralian Tourism Com­mis­sion (SATC). Busi­ness­es and organ­i­sa­tions upload infor­ma­tion on events, accom­mo­da­tion and places to eat and drink – any­thing which might inter­est visitors.

Any event entered into ATDW which is with­in a 5km radius of a park entrance will auto­mat­i­cal­ly be drawn into the rel­e­vant park page and dis­played under the what’s on” tab.

How to list your event

You can sign up to ATDW to add events. It’s free. Events are mod­er­at­ed by the SATC and are usu­al­ly added to ATDW, and the parks web­site, with­in 24 hours of being listed.

You will be asked to add an expiry date to your list­ing on ATDW. The list­ing will auto­mat­i­cal­ly expire. You can re-use pre­vi­ous event infor­ma­tion by updat­ing the details, dates and times.

Please be aware you will need to link the event some­where for more infor­ma­tion. This could be an Eventbrite page, an NRM web­site page, a Friends of Parks page or a pdf.

Anoth­er ben­e­fit of list­ing events on ATDW is that they are also dis­played on oth­er tourism web­sites such as South Aus­tralia, the Ade­laide Hills and the Barossa.

Sign up to ATDW and fol­low the prompts to sub­mit your event listing.

For more infor­ma­tion on ATDW check SATC’s fact sheet and fre­quent­ly asked questions.