Camping in national parks

There are so many unique places to explore in South Australia’s nation­al parks, with thou­sands of camp­sites to choose from in some of the state’s most spec­tac­u­lar nat­ur­al places.

Ready for an adventure?

Book your camp­site online or with our book­ing agents before you go. Plan and book up to a year ahead to ensure your ide­al spot awaits.

Book your spot now

Camp­ing in nation­al parks 101

Get inspired: Whether you’re pitch­ing your tent for the first time or just new to nation­al parks, check out the below Good Liv­ing blogs which will guide you towards a mem­o­rable camp­ing holiday.

Camp­ing guides and more

Plan­ning your next camp­ing get­away? These arti­cles spot­light some of the state’s must-vis­it locations.