Tour prices and times

Tour fees allow us to invest in ongo­ing research and con­ser­va­tion efforts. Through these efforts we hope to pre­serve the nat­ur­al habi­tat of this wild Aus­tralian sea lion colony for gen­er­a­tions to come.

If you’re hop­ing for a less crowd­ed expe­ri­ence, we rec­om­mend you vis­it before 11 am or after 1 pm.

Guid­ed tours are sub­ject to a min­i­mum num­ber of par­tic­i­pants. Extreme weath­er con­di­tions may affect tour access and duration.

Seal Bay Experience

(Includes board walk self-guid­ed tour)


Tour times: 9:15am, 10:00am, 10.45am, 11.30am, 12.15pm, 1:15pm, 2:00pm, 3:00pm, 4:00pm
* Com­mer­cial Tour Oper­a­tors please con­tact sealbay@​sa.​gov.​au for avail­able times.
Dura­tion: 45 minutes


  • Adult: $42.00
  • Concession*: $33.50
  • Child : $23.70
  • Family**: $110.00
  • School group tour (per student, max 25 students): $21.10

Board­walk self-guid­ed tour

Tour times: This tour can be tak­en at any time while the park is open (last entry 4.00pm).
Dura­tion: 45 minute time lim­it dur­ing busy times. Allow half hour to ful­ly expe­ri­ence our boardwalk. 


  • Adult: $19.10
  • Concession* : $15.30
  • Child : $11.60
  • Family** : $52.00
  • School group (per student) : $9.60

* Con­ces­sion — Seniors Card, SA State Con­ces­sion Card, Health Care Card, full-time Aus­tralian sec­ondary or ter­tiary stu­dent card and Com­mon­wealth Seniors Health Ben­e­fit Card or Pen­sion­er Con­ces­sion Card.

** Fam­i­ly — 2 adults & 2 chil­dren OR 1 adult & 3 chil­dren. Any addi­tion­al chil­dren to be charged at 50% of child rate.

Kan­ga­roo Island Tour Pass

Vis­it­ing Kan­ga­roo Island? Pur­chase a Kan­ga­roo Island Tour Pass for 12 months access to:

  • Seal Bay guid­ed tour, board­walk and lookout
  • Flinders Chase Nation­al Park entry
  • Cape Bor­da Light­staion self-guid­ed tour
  • Cape Willough­by Light­sta­tion tour
  • Kel­ly Hill Caves guid­ed tour 


  • Adult: $89.00
  • Concession: $72.00
  • Child: $54.00
  • Family: $249.00

Stay five nights in one of Nation­al Parks South Aus­tralia her­itage accom­mo­da­tion places on Kan­ga­roo Island and receive a free Kan­ga­roo Island Tour Pass for all guests for the dura­tion of your stay!

For more infor­ma­tion about pass­es, read the FAQs or con­tact our Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice Vis­i­tor Ser­vice Cen­tre on (+61 8) 8207 7700.

Fees are valid until 30 June 2025