Murray River

Murray River

Flood alert

Please note, there are ongo­ing restric­tions on swim­ming, fish­ing, boat­ing and oth­er recre­ation­al aquat­ic activ­i­ties on the Riv­er Mur­ray between the South Aus­tralian bor­der and the Mur­ray Mouth to pro­tect infra­struc­ture and the safe­ty of riv­er users and prop­er­ty owners.

For the most up-to-date infor­ma­tion on cur­rent restric­tions and the lat­est marine safe­ty advice, please vis­it Marine Safe­ty SA

For all flood-relat­ed infor­ma­tion, please vis­it www​.sa​.gov​.au/​flood


The Mur­ray Riv­er is an Aus­tralian icon. More than a hun­dred years ago, pad­dle steam­ers used to ven­ture up and down the length of the riv­er, trans­port­ing agri­cul­tur­al pro­duce to and from river­side townships.

These days, you can enjoy the waters and sur­round­ing wilder­ness by pad­dling your canoe through the serene back­wa­ters or explor­ing the many walk­ing trails that wind them­selves through the parks. The abun­dant birdlife pro­vides a per­fect addi­tion to the region’s tran­quil setting.

Trea­sures like the Mur­ray Riv­er Nation­al Park are fan­tas­tic camp­ing spots for your hol­i­day by the river.

Parks in this region: