Wild South Coast Way Provisional Visitor Experience Summary

The Wild South Coast Way on the Hey­sen Trail is a col­lab­o­ra­tion between mul­ti­ple stake­hold­er part­ners and will ele­vate the Hey­sen Trail sec­tion from Cape Jervis to Vic­tor Har­bor to a high­ly appeal­ing tourism experience.

A Vis­i­tor Expe­ri­ence Plan has been cre­at­ed with stake­hold­ers to clear­ly artic­u­late the Wild South Coast Way offer­ing, hero expe­ri­ences and tar­get cus­tomers. It out­lines the poten­tial impact on the vis­i­tor econ­o­my and describes com­mer­cial opportunities.

A Brand Strat­e­gy has also been developed.

The Vis­i­tor Expe­ri­ence Plan and Brand Strat­e­gy are sum­marised in the Wild South Coast Way Pro­vi­sion­al Vis­i­tor Expe­ri­ence Sum­ma­ry.

This Pro­vi­sion­al Sum­ma­ry can be lever­aged by stake­hold­ers and tourism oper­a­tors to devel­op prod­ucts and expe­ri­ences and apply for grants.