Plan your visit to Nilpena Ediacara National Park

Nilpe­na Edi­acara Nation­al Park is now open. 

A lot of work has been done behind the scenes to cre­ate a very unique vis­i­tor expe­ri­ence that’s a spe­cial new attrac­tion for the Flinders Ranges.

Nilpe­na is a site of huge inter­na­tion­al sig­nif­i­cance and an active geo­log­i­cal research site. To ensure it’s pro­tect­ed, entry is by guid­ed tour only. There are no overnight facil­i­ties or areas to freely under­take recre­ation. We appre­ci­ate your under­stand­ing in pre­serv­ing this invalu­able tes­ta­ment to our plan­et’s history.

The new vis­i­tor precinct includes three her­itage build­ings of the for­mer pas­toral sta­tion. These are the Black­smith’s Shop, Wool­shed and the Shear­er’s Quarters.

The park is locat­ed on the west­ern mar­gins of the Flinders Ranges adja­cent to Lake Tor­rens, 540 km north of Ade­laide in South Aus­tralia. Vis­i­tors booked on guid­ed tours can access the park via the Out­back High­way 30 min­utes north of Parachilna and 40 min­utes south of Leigh Creek.

Artist impression of the reconstructed Blacksmith's Shop
Artist impression of the reconstructed Blacksmith's Shop

The Black­smith’s Shop experience

The for­mer Blacksmith’s Shop is now a state-of-the-art inter­pre­ta­tion cen­tre cre­at­ed by a spe­cial­ist project team includ­ing stone­ma­sons, audio-visu­al tech­ni­cians, fur­ni­ture crafts­men and palaeontologists.

Nilpena's former Blacksmith's Shop under construction - November 2021
Nilpena's former Blacksmith's Shop under construction - November 2021

With­in the Black­smith’s Shop, vis­i­tors booked on guid­ed tours can enjoy a one-of-kind fos­sil expe­ri­ence. It’s called Alice’s Restau­rant Bed, so named after a 1967 Arlo Guthrie song because it includes a fos­sil bed that’s teem­ing with exam­ples of the first ani­mal life. The fos­sil bed is brought to life by an impres­sive, tai­lor-made inter­pre­tive dis­play with audio visu­al recon­struc­tions of what these organ­isms looked like and how they behaved.

Vis­i­tors can see first-hand the evi­dence of mul­ti­cel­lu­lar ani­mal life etched-in-time that once lived on earth 560 mil­lion to 542 mil­lion years ago.

Alice's Restaurant Bed - Nilpena's most significant fossil bed in over 1000 pieces in the fossil fields.
Alice's Restaurant Bed - Nilpena's most significant fossil bed in over 1000 pieces in the fossil fields.

Alice’s Restau­rant Bed

In the late 1960s, Amer­i­can folk singer Arlo Guthrie wrote a song titled Alice’s Restau­rant’ about being able to get any­thing you could ever want there to eat.

Fast for­ward to 2016 and his song title was apt­ly used by lead­ing palaeon­tol­o­gist Dr Mary Dros­er and her team from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia, River­side to describe a sig­nif­i­cant fos­sil bed unearthed in the hills of the for­mer Nilpe­na Pas­toral Sta­tion – now the nation­al park. 

Mary describes this fos­sil bed from a palaeontologist’s point of view to have every­thing you could ever want in a specimen.

Alice’s Restau­rant Bed is now housed inside the Black­smith’s Shop.

Tech­ni­cians worked togeth­er to ensure the 1000 or so pieces that form Alice’s Restau­rant Bed were includ­ed in the Black­smith’s Shop in a seam­less operation.

Dif­fer­ent thick­ness­es of the exca­vat­ed fos­sil pieces were be lev­elled using a spe­cial­ly-designed table.

Curat­ed light­ing now pro­vides the best pos­si­ble view­ing con­di­tions to see the array of fossils.

This is an all-acces­si­ble vis­i­tor expe­ri­ence that allows every­one of all mobil­i­ty types to view fos­sils up-close.

Final stages of repurposing Nilpena's former Blacksmith's Shop - June 2022
Final stages of repurposing Nilpena's former Blacksmith's Shop - June 2022

Adja­cent to the Black­smith’s Shop are the for­mer shearer’s quar­ters which are cur­rent­ly used as accom­mo­da­tion for researchers who work onsite. There are also plans for the for­mer wool­shed (oppo­site the Blacksmith’s Shop) to cre­ate an event and func­tion space in the future.

The Fos­sil Fields

The fos­sil fields remain an active research site. It’s here where many dis­cov­er­ies have occurred and where Alice’s Restau­rant Bed was unearthed.

The Class 2 trail that leads to the fossil beds in Nilpena's unassuming hills.
The Class 2 trail that leads to the fossil beds in Nilpena's unassuming hills.

At the entry to the fos­sil fields, the sur­round­ing land­scape is quite spec­tac­u­lar and pro­vides a dif­fer­ent per­spec­tive of the Flinders Ranges. 

Rolling hills frame the dis­tant land­scape and at dusk, you can cap­ture panoram­ic pho­tos of the ranges in all their pur­ple-hued glory. 

National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia

The Nilpe­na Gateway

The Nilpe­na gate­way – a strik­ing stone wall – is the entry area to wel­come vis­i­tors booked on guid­ed tours. The gate­way pro­vides a unique pho­to oppor­tu­ni­ty with panoram­ic views of the north­ern Flinders Ranges. Vis­i­tors are wel­come to stay in the near­by Ikara-Flinders Ranges Nation­al Park and sur­round­ing towns as camp­ing is not allowed on site.

National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia

Beyond the gate­way, a 14 km jour­ney leads to the vis­i­tor precinct. The road tra­vers­es a pas­toral land­scape pass­ing through the pri­vate­ly-owned Nilpe­na Pas­toral Sta­tion (a cur­rent work­ing cat­tle prop­er­ty) and the Nilpe­na Sta­tion home­stead (no pub­lic access). 

The envi­ron­ment is extreme­ly scenic and includes sev­er­al per­ma­nent springs and exten­sive creek lines that have cul­tur­al sig­nif­i­cance to the Adnya­math­anha people.

Work has been under­tak­en to reveg­e­tate the envi­ron­ment with over 1,500 tube­stock and 1.5 ha of direct seed­ing of plants endem­ic to the sur­round­ing land­scape. This has been made pos­si­ble through fund­ing pro­vid­ed by Flinders Ranges Edi­acara Foun­da­tion.

Revegetation of the national park is underway.
Revegetation of the national park is underway.

In and around the gate­way entry, around the built infra­struc­ture and along road­sides to the fos­sil fields appro­pri­ate land­scap­ing sym­pa­thet­ic to the envi­ron­ment has also been implemented.

Embark on a mes­mer­is­ing jour­ney into the past

Book your Nilpe­na Edi­acara Nation­al Park tour.

Landscaping at the gateway and adjacent to visitor parking
Landscaping at the gateway and adjacent to visitor parking