Nilpena Ediacara National Park

Nilpena Ediacara National Park


See evidence of earth’s earliest animal life

The Flinders Ranges provides some of South Australia’s most iconic landscapes displaying geological formations and wildlife. It is also where evidence of earth’s earliest animal life has been discovered.

The Flinders Ranges, tra­di­tion­al lands of the Adnya­math­anha peo­ple, is renowned as one of South Australia’s most remark­able land­scapes. The dra­mat­ic scenery, unique geo­log­i­cal for­ma­tions and icon­ic wildlife attracts vis­i­tors from across the world. It is a place of rich cul­tur­al her­itage and excep­tion­al sci­en­tif­ic val­ue, where evi­dence of the emer­gence earth’s ear­li­est com­plex ani­mal life has been discovered.

Learn more about the sto­ry of Nilpe­na, the plan­et’s most sig­nif­i­cant dis­cov­ery.

Creating the Nilpena Ediacara National Park

Read about the world-class fossil experience that is now open for visitors to our newest national park in the Flinders Ranges.

In March 2019, the state gov­ern­ment pur­chased 60,000 hectares from the Nilpe­na Pas­toral Com­pa­ny which extends to Lake Tor­rens Nation­al Park and adjoins Edi­acara Con­ser­va­tion Park. This land, along with the exist­ing Edi­acara Con­ser­va­tion Park (in its entire­ty) was reclas­si­fied to become Nilpe­na Edi­acara Nation­al Park in 2021.

The state gov­ern­ment has built a Nilpe­na vis­i­tor hub at this new nation­al park that includes an Edi­acaran fos­sil expe­ri­ence to explain the planet’s ear­ly stages of ani­mal life. This immer­sive expe­ri­ence is now open at the for­mer black­smith shop, where vis­i­tors can view fos­sils up-close and expe­ri­ence a one of a kind audio-visu­al fos­sil encounter. Vis­i­tors are wel­come to vis­it the park by guid­ed tour.