Wild South Coast Way Brand Strategy

Great brands appeal to both the head and the heart. They cre­ate mean­ing in people’s lives and they stand for some­thing — both ratio­nal and emo­tion­al. Our brand is who we are. Our rep­u­ta­tion. The words, images and feel­ings our cus­tomers asso­ciate with us. 

A Wild South Coast Way Brand Strat­e­gy has been co-cre­at­ed by Wild South Coast Way stake­hold­ers and tourism operators.

By defin­ing the Wild South Coast Way brand, stake­hold­ers and tourism oper­a­tors under­stand what makes the Wild South Coast Way spe­cial and can trans­late this into how cus­tomers expe­ri­ence the brand. The Wild South Coast Way Brand Strat­e­gy is out­lined in the Wild South Coast Way Pro­vi­sion­al Vis­i­tor Expe­ri­ence Sum­ma­ry.