Tour activities

When plan­ning your tour itin­er­ary we encour­age you to first deter­mine if your pro­posed activ­i­ty is per­mit­ted in the park you are visiting.

Select a DEW region below to see a matrix of activ­i­ties that are/​are not per­mit­ted in that area’s parks:


Camp­sites must be booked via email with Region­al offices to secure camp­sites & receive the CTO rate. 

View con­tacts.

What if my pro­posed tour activ­i­ty or park is not shown?

Not all activ­i­ties may be com­pat­i­ble across all parks and reserves in South Aus­tralia. This could be a rea­son you don’t see your park or activ­i­ty listed.

This does not nec­es­sar­i­ly mean you will not be able to run your tour. In many cas­es, and with appro­pri­ate man­age­ment strate­gies, tours can still go ahead. In some cas­es the activ­i­ty may only be per­mit­ted through a tour operator.

In the first instance we encour­age you to con­tact us on (08) 8429 7577 or email DEW.​CTOandFilming@​sa.​gov.​au to dis­cuss your proposal.

Relat­ed links