Licence costs

Com­mer­cial Tour Oper­a­tor (CTO) Licences are avail­able for terms from two months to five years. The fees are list­ed below and with the excep­tion of the two month licence, expire on 31 March each year, regard­less of when the licence is issued. 

Mil­lions of dol­lars are spent on man­ag­ing parks, build­ing infra­struc­ture and vis­i­tor facil­i­ties and under­tak­ing con­ser­va­tion pro­grams to pro­tect the state’s native plants, ani­mals and habitats.

Income from Entry, Tour and Camp­ing Fees paid by CTOs is used to sup­port this valu­able work.

Licence costs

Licence term

1/4/2023 to 30/6/2024

1/7/2024 to 31/3/2025

2 month licence



1 year licence



3 year licence



5 year licence



*Please note three and five year licences are only issued if the tour oper­a­tor holds the rel­e­vant tourism accred­i­ta­tion cer­ti­fi­ca­tion. Please see the Becom­ing a Tour Oper­a­tor page for fur­ther details.

All licence fees are GST exempt.

Vis­i­tor Use Fees

Under the CTO Licence Terms & Con­di­tionsthe pay­ment of Vis­i­tor Use Fees – park entry and camp­ing – is a con­di­tion of the issue of the Licence. 

The park entry fee applies to all SA parks. Vehi­cle entry fees do not apply to CTOs.

Park entry fees are per tour guest/​per park/​per day. Where a tour enters more than one park in a day, only the park with the high­est entry fee applies.

The camp­ing fee is per tour guest/​per park/​per night. 

Many SA Parks do not have pay­ment facil­i­ties to enable Vis­i­tor Use Fees to be paid on an as you go basis. 

  • For main­land parks with­out pay­ment facil­i­ties, please email DEW.​CTOandFilming@​sa.​gov.​auon a month­ly basis with the name of the park, the date entered and the num­ber of tour guests. Guides/​drivers/​support crew are free of charge.
  • For Kan­ga­roo Island parks with­out pay­ment facil­i­ties, please email DEW.​NPWSReferralsKangarooIsland@​sa.​gov.​auon a month­ly basis with the name of the park, the date entered and the num­ber of tour guests. Guides/​drivers/​support crew are free of charge.

Desert Park Passes

Licensed CTOs iden­ti­fied as con­duct­ing tours in SA’s Desert Parks are not required to pur­chase a Desert Parks Pass for them­selves, their tour clients , includ­ing Taga­longs, or CTO per­son­nel (Guides/​drivers/​support crew).

Vis­i­tor use fees also apply to clients of com­mer­cial oper­a­tors in parks and reserves. See the list of licence and vis­i­tor use fees for the cur­rent licence peri­od. Please note that oth­er fees and charges may apply to your com­mer­cial licence. For more infor­ma­tion about spe­cif­ic fees and charges in oth­er parks, please con­tact Parks Licens­ing Offi­cer on (08) 8429 7577.

Relat­ed links