Operating outside South Australia

Operating outside South Australia

Oper­at­ing in pro­tect­ed areas out­side South Australia

Tour oper­a­tors should be aware that to oper­ate com­mer­cial tours in pro­tect­ed areas man­aged by the com­mon­wealth, state or ter­ri­to­ry gov­ern­ments, per­mits or licences are required. Before plan­ning a tour into a pro­tect­ed area, you should con­tact the rel­e­vant gov­ern­ment author­i­ties. They are list­ed here:

Com­mon­wealth (Kakadu, Ulu­ru-Kata Tju­ta and Bood­eree Nation­al Parks)

Depart­ment of the Envi­ron­ment and Ener­gy
Web­site: www​.envi​ron​ment​.gov​.au

Com­mon­wealth (Great Bar­ri­er Reef Marine Park)

Great Bar­ri­er Reef Marine Park Author­i­ty
Web­site: www​.gbrm​pa​.gov​.au

ACT (No per­mits required)

Parks, Con­ser­va­tion and Lands
Phone:(+61) 13 22 81

New South Wales

Depart­ment of Envi­ron­ment and Cli­mate Change
Web­site: www​.envi​ron​ment​.nsw​.gov​.au

North­ern Territory

Depart­ment of Nat­ur­al Resources, Envi­ron­ment and the Arts
Web­site: www​.nt​.gov​.au


Depart­ment of Nation­al Parks, Sport and Rac­ing
Web­site: www​.nprsr​.qld​.gov​.au


Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice
Web­site: www​.parks​.tas​.gov​.au


Parks Vic­to­ria
Web­site: www​.parks​.vic​.gov​.au

West­ern Australia

Depart­ment of Parks and Wildlife
Web­site: www​.parks​.dpaw​.wa​.gov​.au

Relat­ed links