There are plen­ty more fish in the sea

As the weath­er starts to warm, many of us will trav­el to our favourite boat­ing spots and head out fish­ing for the first time in months.

Jour­ney to anoth­er world by vis­it­ing east­ern sub­urbs parks

With stun­ning water­falls, gorges, wood­lands, and ridges, you could be for­giv­en for think­ing you are a world away.

Care for our Crown land this long weekend

Vis­i­tors plan­ning to camp on Crown land this long week­end are encour­aged to make the most of their adven­ture while respect­ing and con­serv­ing these pop­u­lar areas.

Camp out for a nature-based adventure

The Octo­ber long week­end is fast approach­ing but there is still time to enjoy the best of South Aus­tralia by book­ing an adven­tur­ous camp­ing get­away in one of the state’s majes­tic nation­al parks and reserves.

New pub­lic camp­grounds planned for River­land game reserve

Pub­lic camp­ing facil­i­ties offer­ing greater oppor­tu­ni­ties for vis­i­tors to appre­ci­ate a pop­u­lar River­land loca­tion are being planned by the Depart­ment for Envi­ron­ment and Water.