Plan your next parks adventure at the 2022 Let's Go Caravan and Camping Show

Plan your next parks adventure at the 2022 Let’s Go Caravan and Camping Show

There are so many places to camp, car­a­van and explore in South Australia’s nation­al parks.

Come say hi at the Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice stand in Jubilee Hall at the 2022 Let’s Go Car­a­van and Camp­ing Show and we’ll help you plan your next adventure.

Local experts includ­ing rangers, vol­un­teer rangers and camp­ground hosts will be at the stand to share their knowl­edge of these spe­cial places. They will also be talk­ing dai­ly from 1.30pm — 2pm on the Wayville Enter­tain­ment stage.

We’re proud­ly spon­sor­ing the show’s Out­back Class­room, where kids can learn sci­ence, art and sur­vival skills to take on their next great out­door adventure.

It’s all hap­pen­ing at Ade­laide Show­grounds from Wednes­day 27 July to Sun­day 31 July.

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