Wahgunyah Conservation Park

Wahgunyah Conservation Park

Park fees:
Accommodation: $14.50 per night
Fees must be paid before entry to the park. Campsite fees are per night, subject to availability.
959.4km from Adelaide
Booking FAQs

More information

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Wah­gun­yah Con­ser­va­tion Park is rel­a­tive­ly undis­turbed with long, windswept beach­es, dunes, dense coastal mallee and coastal heath under­storey. It is home to sev­er­al bird species, kan­ga­roos and wombats.

Don’t for­get to vis­it the adjoin­ing Far West Coast Marine Park which is a crit­i­cal­ly-impor­tant breed­ing and calv­ing area for the endan­gered South­ern Right whale and a pop­u­lar whale watch­ing destination.

Park maps

Maps on your mobile

If you have a smart­phone or tablet you can down­load the free Aven­za PDF Map app and have inter­ac­tive nation­al park maps on hand when you need them.

The app uses your device’s built-in GPS to plot your real-time loca­tion with­in the park onto a map. The app can be used with­out a net­work con­nec­tion and with­out roam­ing charges. You can also mea­sure area and dis­tance, plot pho­tos and drop place­mark pins. 

How to get it work­ing on your device:

1. Down­load the Aven­za PDF maps app from the app store whilst you are still in range (its free!).
2. Open up the app and click the shop­ping cart icon.
3. Click Find’ and type the name of the nation­al park or reserve you are look­ing for.
4. Click on the map you are after and install it (all our maps are free).
5. You will now find a list of your installed maps on the home page of the Aven­za app.
6. Use our maps through the Aven­za PDF map app while in the park and nev­er take a wrong turn again.