The Nilpena film set

Ross and Jane Fargher, who oper­ate Nilpe­na Pas­toral Sta­tion and the icon­ic Prairie Hotel at Parachilna, have sup­port­ed South Australia’s film indus­try for many years, secur­ing loca­tions on their prop­er­ty and in the Flinders Ranges for a range of productions.

Movie stars and film crews not only pro­vide an eco­nom­ic ben­e­fit to the region, but enable South Aus­tralia to fea­ture on the main stage and con­tribute to Australia’s inter­na­tion­al pro­file. Nilpe­na and its sur­rounds are recog­nis­able in many tele­vi­sion com­mer­cials, tele­vi­sion shows and films, most notably in the 2002 award-win­ning film Rab­bit Proof Fence that fol­lows three Abo­rig­i­nal girls as they embark on a jour­ney across the Out­back. Oth­er films and tele­vi­sion shows that were shot in and around Nilpe­na include: 

Most recent­ly, Zac Efron filmed scenes at Nilpe­na from the upcom­ing Stan Orig­i­nal Film Gold, which tells the sto­ry of the biggest gold nugget ever found and the chal­leng­ing process to exca­vate it.

Plan your vis­it to Nilpe­na Edi­acara Nation­al Park.

National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia