Cultural heritage and First Nations involvement

The Adnya­math­anha peo­ple, tra­di­tion­al own­ers of the Flinders Ranges, hold sto­ries of how the ancient land­scape was cre­at­ed. They have strong ties to their coun­try and a deep under­stand­ing of the cul­tur­al sig­nif­i­cance of sites across the Flinders Ranges. The Adnya­math­anha peo­ple have an intri­cate and spir­i­tu­al con­nec­tion to the land, plants and ani­mals of the Flinders Ranges.

Nilpe­na Edi­acara Nation­al Park is locat­ed on the tra­di­tion­al lands of the Adnya­math­anha peo­ple. Tra­di­tion­al­ly, Nilpe­na Edi­acara Nation­al Park is where impor­tant cer­e­monies and camp­ing occurred along­side the local springs and ochre was trad­ed from the Flinders Ranges with the Lake Eyre region for objects such as pituri (native tobac­co), spinifex resin and stone and axe heads. Adnya­math­anha peo­ple hold Yura Muda sto­ries explain­ing the fos­sils in the rocks, demon­strat­ing the rich cul­tur­al her­itage requir­ing protection.

Today, evi­dence of ongo­ing occu­pa­tion by tra­di­tion­al own­ers, includ­ing ash and char­coal mid­dens, can be found across Nilpe­na Edi­acara Nation­al Park. The South Aus­tralian Gov­ern­ment is part­ner­ing with the Adnya­math­anha peo­ple to ensure their cul­tur­al beliefs are rep­re­sent­ed appro­pri­ate­ly and their cul­tur­al her­itage is pre­served. Man­age­ment of Nilpe­na Edi­acara Nation­al Park will be fur­ther enhanced by draw­ing on the tra­di­tion­al knowl­edge and expe­ri­ences of the Adnya­math­anha peo­ple. The Ikara-Flinders Ranges Nation­al Park Co-man­age­ment Board will have an advi­so­ry role with respect to management.

National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia