Parks where you can camp around Adelaide

Parks where you can camp around Adelaide

Do you live in Ade­laide and want to go camp­ing but don’t have time to trav­el too far out of the city?

You’re in luck as there are two new camp­grounds near met­ro­pol­i­tan Ade­laide, which will mean you’ll be able to spend more of your time off enjoy­ing nature rather than dri­ving to your destination.

Here’s where you’ll find these new campgrounds:

Onka­paringa Riv­er Nation­al Park

Pink Gum camp­ground in Onka­paringa Riv­er Nation­al Park, is locat­ed just 35 kilo­me­tres south of the CBD. There are 11 camp­sites suit­able for tents, car­a­vans, camper trail­ers and camper­vans. Each camp­site has its own fire pit per­fect to keep warm on a cool night. A num­ber of upgrades have also been com­plet­ed in the park itself, includ­ing a new gorge look­out at the Punch­bowl, a new trail net­work, and upgrad­ed rock climb­ing facilities.

The camp­site makes Onka­paringa Gorge an even bet­ter des­ti­na­tion for climbers, you’ll be able to try a range of routes while get­ting to know the rock­face, set­tle in for a night under the stars, then wake up the next day and feel refreshed and ready to try more routes.

Drone footage of Onka­paringa Riv­er Nation­al Park 

Para Wirra Con­ser­va­tion Park

The Wirra camp­ground in Para Wirra Con­ser­va­tion Park is locat­ed on Adelaide’s north­east edge just 43 km from Ade­laide CBD. The camp­ground has 19 camp­sites includ­ing a large group site suit­able for tents, car­a­vans, camper trail­ers and camper­vans. Each site includes a fire pit for use out­side of the fire dan­ger sea­son. There’s also a camp kitchen, bar­be­cue facil­i­ties and acces­si­ble toilets.

While you’re stay­ing in the park, make use of the net­work of walk­ing and cycling trails, the Nature Play For­est and Gawler View Pic­nic Area. Don’t for­get to bring a foot­ball or crick­et bat for a game on the bush oval.

The park also fea­tures Abo­rig­i­nal inter­pre­tive sig­nage acknowl­edg­ing Para Wirra as a spe­cial meet­ing place, which will give you a more in-depth under­stand­ing of the area.

Book­ings opened for camp­ing at Para Wirra on 1 May, and from 1 June this year, you’ll be able to enjoy overnight stays at Wirra Camp­ground.

Para Wirra Con­ser­va­tion Park 

Deep Creek Con­ser­va­tion Park

Deep Creek Con­ser­va­tion Park has been the go-to park for camp­ing with­in 100 km of Ade­laide – and it’s easy to see why with its stun­ning coastal scenery and abun­dance of wildlife.

As well as its five camp­grounds, Deep Creek also has self-con­tained accom­mo­da­tion, rang­ing from rus­tic cot­tages to archi­tec­tur­al eco-retreats. The dri­ve to Deep Creek is less than two hours from Ade­laide, so it’s an excel­lent escape from the city.

Deep Creek Con­ser­va­tion Park 

New­land Head Con­ser­va­tion Park

Less­er-known but just as beau­ti­ful, New­land Head Con­ser­va­tion Park is as close to Ade­laide by car as Deep Creek. Stay at Wait­pin­ga camp­ground, just a short walk from the surf beach. It’s shel­tered from the wind, and you can choose to camp among the mallee or open areas pro­tect­ed by shrubs. There is space for 28 vehi­cles in two large unal­lo­cat­ed camp­ing areas.

Book before you go

Camp­sites in South Aus­tralian nation­al parks need to be booked online. Book­ings can be made up to one year in advance. So in the­o­ry, if you live in Ade­laide you could check which camp­sites are avail­able online, book a spot, and be out camp­ing in nature with­in hours.

If you’re new to camp­ing, check out our guides for begin­ners – includ­ing what tobring, what tocookandhow to behaveat the campground.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living