How to spend a day in Little Dip Conservation Park

How to spend a day in Little Dip Conservation Park

Want to make the most of a vis­it to this diverse park? We’ve got you cov­ered with this itinerary.

Locat­ed approx­i­mate­ly 340 km south of Ade­laide, and only 2 km south of Robe, Lit­tle Dip Con­ser­va­tion Park fea­tures a rugged­ly beau­ti­ful coast­line that falls back onto thick groves of coastal mallee, veg­e­tat­ed coastal dunes and unique coastal lakes.

From test­ing your four-wheel-dri­ve (4WD) skills along its pop­u­lar coastal track, to dis­cov­er­ing an abun­dance of bird life across its many lakes and beach­es, the park has a lit­tle bit of some­thing for everyone.

With so much to do in the park, Ranger Cal­lum Banks has put togeth­er an itin­er­ary to help you make the most of your next vis­it. Here are his tips:


Spend your morn­ing explor­ing the coast of the park. If you’re in your 4WD, you can dri­ve down the Stony Rise Track where you’ll be met with breath­tak­ing views of the deep blue ocean, rugged reefs and a rough-edged coast that make up the Lime­stone Coast coastline.

If you don’t have a 4WD, you can still take your 2WD down the track, but be aware that it’s a very bumpy ride.

Next, if you’re ready for an off-road adven­ture, hop into your 4WD and make your way south along the park’s coastal track – a pop­u­lar track for many off-road enthu­si­asts year-round – where you’ll see gold­en beach­es, like the beau­ti­ful Domaschenz Beach, and coastal scrub.

Top tip: If it’s your first time on the coastal track in the park, be sure to reduce your tyre pres­sure to reduce your chance of bog­ging, and stay on the tracks. Take care when approach­ing blind cor­ners and crests – a sand flag is rec­om­mend­ed so that you’re vis­i­ble among the dunes.

How to spend a day in Little Dip Conservation Park


After explor­ing the coast­line, head back inland along Long Gul­ly Track to appre­ci­ate one of the park’s unique lakes – Fresh­wa­ter Lake. If you’re in a 2WD and haven’t been trav­el­ling along the coast, you can access the lake from Nora-Creina Road.

Fresh­wa­ter Lake is a haven for birds and wildlife. With shady pic­nic tables and an easy 1.7 km loop walk­ing trail through a canopy of coastal mallee around the lake, it’s the per­fect spot to stop and enjoy the tran­quil­li­ty of the park.

How to spend a day in Little Dip Conservation Park

As you head along the Fresh Water Lake Walk, take your time to dis­cov­er the signs of wildlife – you may even spot a com­mon snake-necked tur­tle on the track.

And after work­ing up your appetite along the shady trail, set up your pic­nic at the tables along the lake and lis­ten to the birds while you eat.

How to spend a day in Little Dip Conservation Park


Jump back in the car and con­tin­ue head­ing south, tak­ing the turnoff to Lit­tle Dip Beach.

Park in the car park at the end of the road and walk down the short sandy track that leads to a rocky islet and reef. It’s a per­fect spot for a quick dip or a bit of fishing. 

Top tip: You may come across wildlife on your trav­els through the park. Be sure to dri­ve slow­ly and with care to avoid any acci­dents with the wildlife. If you see any injured wildlife, con­tact the Mount Gam­bier Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice office.

How to spend a day in Little Dip Conservation Park


It’s sad to say that all good things must come to an end, and it’s time to head home – but if you do hap­pen to have some extra time up your sleeve and want to explore more of the park, then you’re in luck.

Set up camp in one of the park’s 4 camp­grounds and set­tle in for relax­ing and qui­et night in the park ahead of anoth­er day of explor­ing. Be sure to book your spot online ahead of time.

Want to explore more of the Lime­stone Coast? Check outthese parks to vis­it in the region.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living