Montacute Conservation Park

Montacute Conservation Park

Park fees:
Free entry
22.13km from Adelaide
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Mon­ta­cute Con­ser­va­tion Park’s 200 hectares of rem­nant bush­land is sep­a­rat­ed by sev­er­al small creeks, and is home to an abun­dant array of birdlife.

Veg­e­ta­tion in the park varies great­ly from the low­er to high­er slopes. The creek line is dom­i­nat­ed by riv­er red gums with a low under­storey of grass­es and exot­ic plants. The high­er slopes sup­port stringy­barks and blue gums.

The Hey­sen walk­ing trail winds its way through the park’s native veg­e­ta­tion to the high­er slopes and offers excel­lent views of the sur­round­ing area.

Along the walk­ing trails you may dis­cov­er out­crops of Pre­cam­bri­an dolomite rocks more than 570 mil­lion years old, or on the east­ern side of the park, an out­crop of Stonyfell quartzite.