
Vulkathunha-Gammon Ranges National Park

Vulkathunha-Gammon Ranges National Park was proclaimed in 1970. The park forms part of the traditional country of the Adnyamathanha people and is rich with cultural significance. The spectacular terrain in Vulkathunha-Gammon Ranges National Park can be explored by the many hiking trails and via the 4WD tracks that lead you deep into the heart of the rugged landscape. The park is a haven for many rare and endangered plants and animals.

The stark wildness and landscape of Lake Frome is a unique feature of the park. This ephemeral salt lake stretches 100km long and 40km wide and plays an important role in the lives of the Adnyamathanha people. The 'Plains Block' leading out to the edge of Lake Frome still remains a traditional hunting ground.

There are several hiking trails to explore the park including the Italowie Gorge Hike which takes you past Mount McKinlay Spring or the Weetootla Gorge Hike which meanders though the stunning Weetootla Gorge.

There are several tracks to explore the park and its surrounding areas by car. Most tracks are accessible by 2WD, although the Wortupa Loop Track and the track to Lake Frome require 4WDs.

  • Arcoona Campground (4WD or high clearance 2WD)

    The camp­ground is locat­ed on the west­ern side of the ranges approx­i­mate­ly 1.5 hours dri­ve from Bal­canoona via the Cop­ley-Bal­canoona and Umber­atana Rroads. Camp sites are locat­ed near the end of the track, close to the riv­er red gums and native pines of Arcoona Creek. This camp pro­vides a great base for hik­ers wish­ing to explore Arcoona Bluff and the Gam­mon Plateau.

    Access: 4WD or high clear­ance 2WD.
    Suit­able for: tents and camper trailers.
    Facil­i­ties: nil.
    Camp­fires: allowed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply).
    Unal­lo­cat­ed camp­ground — max­i­mum 4 vehicles.
    Elec­tric­i­ty: unpowered.
  • Balcanoona Shearers Quarters

    The Shear­ers Quar­ters are locat­ed at Bal­canoona direct­ly oppo­site the Nation­al Parks Office, and keys are obtain­able from the office. 

    The Shear­ers Quar­ters con­sist of a large com­mu­nal kitchen and lounge area in the cen­tre of the build­ing and small­er bed­rooms off the veranda. 

    Each bed­room sleeps up to 2 peo­ple (2 sin­gle beds). A total of 8 sin­gle rooms plus the Man­agers room (Sleeps 3) are avail­able. Fans, light­ing and a pow­er point are avail­able. Each room has Evap­o­ra­tive air-con­di­tion­ing and No heating.

    The com­mu­nal kitchen is equipped with two large fridges and one large chest freez­er, gas stove/​oven, tables and chairs, sink and all crock­ery and cutlery. 

    The com­mu­nal lounge has a com­bus­tion heater (Wood pro­vid­ed), assort­ed lounges, large table and chairs and a TV.

    There are exter­nal show­ers & toi­lets, a laun­dry area with a large wash­ing machine and a large gas BBQ and fire pit.

    Please bring your own linen, blan­kets, pil­lows, tow­els, tea tow­els and matches.
  • Grindells Hut

    The hut is locat­ed on the Wor­tu­pa Loop Road, (4WD) 26 km from the Park Head­quar­ters at Bal­canoona. The access road is not rec­om­mend­ed for 2WD vehi­cles due to rocky sec­tions, steep slopes and creek crossings.

    The hut con­sists of two bed­rooms, a sleep out, lounge, kitchen, store­room, laun­dry and bathroom.

    Bed­room One sleeps up to two peo­ple — one queen bed.

    Bed­room Two sleeps up to six peo­ple — three sets of bunks.

    The lounge has a com­bus­tion fire and lounge chairs.

    The kitchen is equipped with a gas fridge, gas stove/​oven, sink and all crock­ery and cut­lery. There is also a table with seat­ing for eight people.

    Solar light­ing and gas hot water avail­able. No pow­er points.

    Gas BBQ and wood BBQ.

    What to bring: All linen, blan­kets, pil­lows, tow­els, tea tow­els, toi­let paper, match­es and fire­wood (if required).
  • Grindells Hut Campground (4WD Only)

    Locat­ed approx­i­mate­ly an hour’s dri­ve west of Bal­canoona via Wor­tu­pa Loop Track. Access is 10 km up Arka­roola Road then 17 km via the sign­post­ed 4WD track. Camp sites are locat­ed along the creek below Grindells Hut. Please camp in des­ig­nat­ed sites. The Wee­t­oot­la and Italowie Gorge hikes can be accessed from this camp­ing area.

    Access: 4WD only.
    Suit­able for: tents, camper trailers.
    Facil­i­ties: long-drop toi­lets, bbq.
    Camp­fires: allowed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply).
    Unal­loct­ed camp­ing — max­i­mum 9 vehicles.
    Elec­tric­i­ty: unpowered.
  • Italowie Gap Campground

    The Italowie Gap camp­ing areas are locat­ed approx­i­mate­ly 20 min­utes from Bal­canoona on the Cop­ley-Bal­canoona road. There are two camp­ing areas. The first area is on the south-west­ern side of the gap via a small access track. This area is set amongst riv­er red gums below a small cliff face and is a shady spot in sum­mer. The sec­ond area is locat­ed on the north-east­ern side of the gap, off the access track behind the infor­ma­tion bay. These sites are set amongst wat­tles and riv­er red gums near the start of the Italowie Gorge Hike.

    Access: 2WD and 4WD
    Suit­able for: tents, camper trail­ers and small caravans.
    Facil­i­ties: nil.
    Camp­fires: allowed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply).
    Unal­lo­cat­ed camp­ing — max­i­mum 6 vehicles.
    Elec­tric­i­ty: unpowered.
  • Mainwater Well Campground (4WD Only)

    The Main­wa­ter Well camp­ing area is approx­i­mate­ly two hours’ dri­ve north-west of Bal­canoona via Wor­tu­pa Loop Track. A small camp­ing area is locat­ed next to the old well along­side the tea-tree lined Main­wa­ter Creek. This camp­ing area pro­vides a great base from which to explore the north­ern areas of the park and for hik­ers to explore Main­wa­ter Creek. The camp sites pro­vide par­tial shade and wind protection.

    Access: 4WD only.
    Suit­able for: tents and camper trailers.
    Facil­i­ties: Toilet
    Camp­fires: allowed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply).
    Unal­lo­cat­ed camp­ing — max­i­mum 6 vehicles.
    Elec­tric­i­ty: unpowered.
  • Nudlamutana Hut

    The Hut is locat­ed approx­i­mate­ly 21km form the Bal­canoona Park Headquarters.This track is rough in places but is acces­si­ble with 2WDs, if due care is tak­en. Park­ing is pro­vid­ed with­in the yard at the hut. 

    The hut con­sist of one bed­room, lounge, kitchen and an out­side bathroom.

    The bed­room sleeps up to four peo­ple — one dou­ble bed and one set of bunks.

    The lounge has a com­bus­tion fire and lounge chairs.

    The kitchen is equipped with a small fridge, gas stove/​oven, table (seat­ing four), sink and basic crock­ery and cutlery.

    What to bring: All linen, blan­kets, pil­lows, tow­els, tea tow­els, toi­let paper, match­es and fire­wood (if required).
  • Weetootla Gorge Campground, Wiriti Urdla

    Wee­t­oot­la Camp­ground is locat­ed to the west of Bal­canoona at the end of Wee­t­oot­la Gorge. Camp sites are locat­ed along Bal­canoona Creek among mallee, native pines and bul­lock bush. The camp­ing area is approx­i­mate­ly 20 min­utes from Bal­canoona, 2 km towards Arka­roola then 5 km along the sign­post­ed track. The camp­ground is locat­ed approx­i­mate­ly 4 km from the infor­ma­tion bay. Des­ig­nat­ed camp sites are set out adja­cent to the pit toi­lets. These can also be found 1 km fur­ther on, near the Wee­t­oot­la Gorge trailhead.

    Access: 2WD and 4WD.
    Suit­able for: tents, camper trail­ers and small caravans.
    Facil­i­ties: long-drop toilets.
    Camp­fires: allowed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply).
    Unal­lo­cat­ed camp­ing — max­i­mum 16 vehicles.
    Elec­tric­i­ty: unpowered.