Upper Spencer Gulf Marine Park

Upper Spencer Gulf Marine Park

Park fees:
Free entry
308km from Adelaide
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Span­ning the North­ern Spencer Gulf waters from Port Pirie to Whyal­la and up to Port Augus­ta, between the Flinders Ranges and the great expanse of the Eyre Penin­su­la. The shel­tered waters of the Upper Spencer Gulf Marine Park are best known for its inter­na­tion­al­ly recog­nised breed­ing area for the Giant Aus­tralian Cut­tle­fish. The park also includes wet­lands of nation­al impor­tance and is home to a vital nurs­ery area for a large range of fish and crus­taceans. Pro­vid­ing plen­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ties to enjoy the diverse marine life includ­ing cut­tle­fish, dol­phins, whales, migra­to­ry and res­i­dent shore­birds, water­birds and fish species.

Divers and snorkel­ers alike should­n’t miss the amaz­ing dis­play of the cut­tle­fish between May and August as the species change colour and pat­terns to try to impress their poten­tial mate.
Fish­ing is very pop­u­lar with­in the park and can be under­tak­en on jet­ties and most beach­es. These fer­tile seas also make fish­ing a pop­u­lar activ­i­ty, with King George whit­ing, garfish and prawns, as well as blue swim­mer crab the catch­es syn­ony­mous with the region. 

How­ev­er fish­ing is pro­hib­it­ed in sanc­tu­ary zones. Sanc­tu­ary zones are the core con­ser­va­tion areas, cre­at­ed in key loca­tions such as Cut­tle­fish Coast and Yala­ta Har­bour. Sanc­tu­ary zones pro­tect all ani­mals and plants from harm, help­ing vis­i­tors to sea life naturally’.

Learn more about Giant Aus­tralian Cut­tle­fish and Cut­tle­fest. Watch the videos below and try the vir­tu­al tour to see what Upper Spencer Gulf Marine Park has to offer.

Main image cred­it: Carl Charter