Island Parks of the West Coast

Island Parks of the West Coast

Park fees:
Free entry
790km from Adelaide
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The island parks of the West Coast play an impor­tant role in pre­serv­ing wildlife. They are free of many of the intro­duced ani­mals that com­pete with, or prey upon native wildlife on the main­land. The islands pro­vide sanc­tu­ary for migra­to­ry birds and a num­ber of endan­gered ani­mals includ­ing the Greater Stick-nest Rat and Brush-tailed Bettong. 

Many of these islands pro­vide breed­ing sites for Aus­tralian Pel­i­cans, Caspi­an Terns, Sooty Oys­ter­catch­ers, Lit­tle Pen­guins, Pacif­ic Gulls and Sil­ver Gulls. Aus­tralian Sea-lions can be found bask­ing in the sun on some islands. Gran­ite cliffs and sandy beach­es bor­der most of these islands. They sup­port large pop­u­la­tions of ven­omous Black Tiger Snakes and Com­mon Death Adders, so vis­i­tors should wear pro­tec­tive footwear and leg cov­er­ings if ven­tur­ing off beaches. 

The islands may have dif­fer­ent reg­u­la­tions so it is impor­tant to check these before head­ing out as these reg­u­la­tions are there to pro­tect the Islands vital and frag­ile environment.

Access onto the Franklin Islands is prohibited.