
Lincoln National Park

Boating, fishing, beachcombing, swimming, bird watching, whale watching and nature walks are all popular activities in this park. A variety of designated campgrounds in the park offer easy access to the beaches, bays and walking trails.

Lincoln National Park overlooks Boston Bay, the largest natural harbour in Australia, with granite headlands, sheltered bays and scenic offshore islands. On the southern side of the park are the massive, wind-sculpted sand dunes of the Sleaford-Wanna dune system and the pounding surf of the Southern Ocean.

Memory Cove Wilderness Protection Area

Memory Cove Wilderness Protection Area , located within Lincoln National Park, is a magnificent and secluded bay with a pure white sandy beach, cradled between densely vegetated headlands. Memory Cove provides a very special camping or day-visit wilderness experience. Vehicle entry and camping needs to be booked and a key collected to enter Memory Cove Wilderness Protection Area.

Thorny Passage Marine Park borders Lincoln National Park and Memory Cove Wilderness Protection Area.

  • Carcase Rock

    This camp­ground offers seclu­sion among the coastal mallee and well sep­a­rat­ed camp­sites. Access the beau­ti­ful unspoiled beach from the north­ern end of the camp­ground. The sites are uneven and sandy with some shade and wind pro­tec­tion. There are 3 allo­cat­ed, unpow­ered camp­sites. Access is 4WD only, suit­able for tents and off-road camper trail­ers. No facil­i­ties, near­est are at Fish­er­man Point (approx 3.5km). Camp­fires per­mit­ted, fire pits not pro­vid­ed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions and con­di­tions apply). Swim­ming, fish­ing, bird­watch­ing, short walks, trekking and kayaking.
  • Engine Point Campground

    Engine Point camp­ground sits above a shal­low sandy beach with beau­ti­ful views of Boston Bay. There is lit­tle shade and expo­sure to west­er­ly winds. There are sev­en allo­cat­ed camp­sites for unpow­ered camp­ing. Access all weath­er 2WD track for all sites except camp­site 4 which is 4WD access. Suit­able for tents, camper trail­ers and car­a­vans. No facil­i­ties, near­est are at Sep­tem­ber Beach (approx 2km). Camp­fires per­mit­ted, each camp­fire has a firepit (sea­son­al fire restric­tions and con­di­tions apply). Swim­ming, fish­ing, bird­watch­ing, short walks and trekking.
    There are no amenities.
  • Fisherman Point

    Fish­er­man Point is a per­fect plat­form for adven­ture or a relax­ing get­away. Over­look­ing Spald­ing Cove and a beau­ti­ful white sandy beach, the camp­ground offers lots of out­doors oppor­tu­ni­ties. There are 19 allo­cat­ed, unpow­ered camp­sites. Access via an all weath­er 2WD track, suit­able for tents, camper trail­ers and car­a­vans. Facil­i­ties, long-drop toi­let. Camp­fires per­mit­ted, shared fire pits pro­vid­ed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions and con­di­tions apply). Swim­ming, fish­ing, bird­watch­ing, short walks, trekking and kayaking.
  • Horse Rock

    A short dri­ve from the park entrance Horse Rock camp­ground has beach front views of Prop­er Bay. There are 6 allo­cat­ed, unpow­ered camp­sites. Access via sealed road and a short all weath­er 2WD track, suit­able for tents, camper trail­ers and car­a­vans. Small boats can be launched from the beach. No facil­i­ties, near­est are at Stam­ford Hill (approx. 13km) . Camp­fires per­mit­ted, fire pits not pro­vid­ed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions and con­di­tions apply). Swim­ming, fish­ing, bird­watch­ing, short walks, trekking and kayaking.
  • Horse Rock East

    Only a short dri­ve from the park entrance Horse Rock East camp­ground has beach front views of Prop­er Bay. There is 1 allo­cat­ed, unpow­ered camp­site. Access via sealed road and a short sandy dri­ve­way (4WD rec­om­mend­ed), suit­able for tents, camper trail­ers and car­a­vans. Small boats can be launched from the beach. No facil­i­ties, near­est are at Stam­ford Hill (approx. 12km) . Camp­fires per­mit­ted, fire pits not pro­vid­ed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions and con­di­tions apply). Swim­ming, fish­ing, bird­watch­ing, short walks, trekking and kayaking.
  • Lincoln Track

    Over­look­ing Prop­er Bay with beach front, this is a quite and peace­ful camp­ground. There are 4 allo­cat­ed, unpow­ered camp­sites. Access is 4WD only, suit­able for tents and camper trail­ers. No facil­i­ties, near­est are at Stam­ford Hill (approx. 16km). Camp­fires per­mit­ted, fire pits not pro­vid­ed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions and con­di­tions apply). Swim­ming, fish­ing, bird­watch­ing, short walks, trekking and kayaking.
  • MacLaren Point

    Camp­ing at Maclaren Point pro­vides a sense of remote­ness and access to one of the many beau­ti­ful beach­es in the park. The beach is exposed to east­er­ly winds. There are 4 allo­cat­ed, unpow­ered camp­sites. Access is 4WD only, suit­able for tents and off-road camper trail­ers. No facil­i­ties, near­est are at Fish­er­man Point (approx. 7km). Camp­fires per­mit­ted, fire pits not pro­vid­ed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions and con­di­tions apply). Swim­ming, fish­ing, bird­watch­ing, short walks, trekking and kayaking.
  • Richardsons Shack

    Richard­sons Shack camp­ground has beau­ti­ful views of the shel­tered Spald­ing Cove. There is par­tial shade and expo­sure to west­er­ly winds. The camp­ground offers unal­lo­cat­ed and unpow­ered camp­ing for 5 vehi­cles. Access all weath­er 2WD track, suit­able for tents, camper trail­ers and car­a­vans. No facil­i­ties, near­est are at Fish­er­man Point (approx 1.5km). Camp­fires per­mit­ted, fire pits not pro­vid­ed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions and con­di­tions apply). Swim­ming, fish­ing, bird­watch­ing, short walks and trekking.
  • September Beach

    Sep­tem­ber Beach camp­ground is very pop­u­lar hav­ing large and well spaced camp­sites, each camp­site is sep­a­rat­ed by a screen of shady trees. There are 10 allo­cat­ed, unpow­ered camp­sites. Access via an all weath­er 2WD track, suit­able for tents, camper trail­ers and car­a­vans. Facil­i­ties, long-drop toi­let. Camp­fires per­mit­ted, fire pits pro­vid­ed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions and con­di­tions apply). Swim­ming, fish­ing, bird­watch­ing, short walks, trekking and kayak­ing. Kata and Belle offer Glamp­ing’ in Sept­meber Beach Camp­ground ( sites 8 and 9). Book­ings can be made at www​.kataand​belle​.com​.au or call on 0420 986 326.
  • Spalding Cove

    Spald­ing Cove camp­ground is locat­ed among tall coastal mallee. Par­tial­ly shad­ed with beach front, the sites over­look the shal­low cove. The camp­ground offers unal­lo­cat­ed and unpow­ered camp­ing for 5 vehi­cles. Access 4WD only, suit­able for tents and camper trail­ers. No facil­i­ties, near­est are at Stam­ford Hill (approx 6.3km). Camp­fires per­mit­ted, fire pits not pro­vid­ed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions and con­di­tions apply). Swim­ming, fish­ing, bird­watch­ing, short walks, trekking and kayaking.
  • Surfleet Cove

    Sur­fleet Cove Camp­ground over­looks the pro­tect­ed waters of Boston Bay. The camp­ground is sur­round­ed by tall euca­lypt wood­lands pro­vid­ing shel­ter from most winds and habi­tat for lots of birds and oth­er wildlife. There is easy access to great walk­ing trails. There are 18 allo­cat­ed and 1 group unpow­ered camp­sites. Access via a sealed road, suit­able for tents to large car­a­vans and motorhomes. Facil­i­ties, long-drop toi­lets. The fire pits are now installed and oper­a­tional. (sea­son­al fire restric­tions and con­di­tions apply). Swim­ming, fish­ing, bird­watch­ing, short walks, trekking and kayak­ing. Site 19 Group Camp­ing — For book­ings of groups greater than 20 peo­ple, please con­tact the Port Lin­coln NPWS Office 86883111.
  • Taylors Landing

    This camp­ground is shel­tered in mallee scrub behind the beach which is acces­si­ble via a board­walk and stairs. Boats can be launched from a con­crete boat ramp. There are 4 allo­cat­ed, unpow­ered camp­sites. Access via an all weath­er 2WD track, suit­able for tents, and camper trail­ers. Facil­i­ties, long-drop toi­let. Camp­fires per­mit­ted, fire pits not pro­vid­ed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions and con­di­tions apply). Swim­ming, boat­ing, fish­ing, bird­watch­ing, short walks, and trekking.
  • Wisemans Shack

    Only a short dri­ve from the park entrance Wise­mans shack camp­ground has beach front views of Prop­er Bay. There are 3 allo­cat­ed, unpow­ered camp­sites. Access is 4WD only, suit­able for tents and camper trail­ers. No facil­i­ties, near­est are at Stam­ford Hill (approx. 20km). Camp­fires per­mit­ted, fire pits not pro­vid­ed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions and con­di­tions apply). Swim­ming, fish­ing, bird­watch­ing, short walks, 4WDing, kayaking.
  • Woodcutters Beach

    Wood­cut­ters Beach camp­ground has beach front views of Prop­er Bay. There are 3 allo­cat­ed, unpow­ered camp­sites. Access is 4WD only, suit­able for tents and off-road camper trail­ers. No facil­i­ties, near­est are at Stam­ford Hill (approx. 12km). Camp­fires per­mit­ted, fire pits not pro­vid­ed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions and con­di­tions apply). Swim­ming, fish­ing, bird­watch­ing, short walks, 4WDing, kayaking.