Geegeela Conservation Park

Geegeela Conservation Park

The below Lime­stone Coast parks will be closed from 6pm Sun­day 13 October until 6am Saturday 19 October while an ani­mal pest con­trol oper­a­tion is undertaken. Details

Park fees:
Free entry
315.47km from Adelaide
Booking FAQs

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The Geegeela Con­ser­va­tion Park is home to many rare and endan­gered plant and ani­mal species. Sur­round­ed by blue gum and riv­er red gum wood­land, the park pro­vides crit­i­cal habi­tat for the endan­gered south-east­ern red-tailed black cock­a­too and swift par­rot. The wood­land and shrub­land ecosys­tems, that pre­dom­i­nant­ly make up the 858 hectare park, are threat­ened on both state and nation­al levels.

The park is ide­al for bird­watch­ers and pro­vides habi­tat for more than 90 bird species. These include 17 threat­ened species with­in South Aus­tralia and 29 which have an iden­ti­fied con­ser­va­tion rat­ing with­in the south east region. Look out for the vul­ner­a­ble-list­ed birdlife includ­ing the brown quail, lit­tle lori­keet, brol­ga and blue-winged par­rot, and the rare shin­ing bronze-cuck­oo, blue-faced hon­eyeater and flame robin.