
Coffin Bay National Park

Known for its remote coastal scenery, the bays and coastline around the Coffin Bay National Park are ideal for boating, fishing, sailing, scuba diving and windsurfing. You can explore the park's coastal landscapes of high windswept cliffs and massive dunes, pounding surf beaches and sheltered sandy bays.

At the southern end of the park is Yangie Bay, accessible by 2WD. It’s an ideal place to paddle your canoe, enjoy a bush picnic or explore a coastal bushwalking trail. Point Avoid and Golden Island lookout can also be reached by sealed road and you’ll be rewarded with spectacular island views along the way.

The pristine northern beaches of Coffin Bay National Park are only accessible by high-clearance 4WD. A favourite destination for anglers, birdwatchers and surfers, this remote and beautiful area offers several secluded camping areas with easy beach access.

  • Black Springs Campground (4WD)

    Locat­ed beside a remote sandy beach, Black Springs camp­ground is sur­round­ed by mallee and paper bark trees and over­looks Port Dou­glas. There are 8 allo­cat­ed, unpow­ered camp­sites. Access is 4WD only, suit­able for tents and off-road camper trail­ers. Facil­i­ties, long-drop toi­let. Camp­fires per­mit­ted, fire pits not pro­vid­ed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions and con­di­tions apply). Swim­ming, fish­ing, bird­watch­ing, short walks, 4WDing, kayaking.
  • Black Springs Overflow (4WD)

    The camp­ing area is set on top of lime­stone cliffs over­look­ing Port Dou­glas with tea-tree and mallee veg­e­ta­tion pro­vid­ing lim­it­ed shade. The area pro­vides over­flow camp­ing for the main Black Springs camp­ground. There is expo­sure to north and east winds. The camp­ground offers unal­lo­cat­ed and unpow­ered camp­ing for 8 vehi­cles. Access 4WD only, suit­able for tents and off-road camper trail­ers. No facil­i­ties, near­est are at Black Springs (approx 600m). Camp­fires per­mit­ted, fire pits not pro­vid­ed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions and con­di­tions apply). Swim­ming, fish­ing, bird­watch­ing, short walks, 4WDing and kayaking.
  • Morgan’s Landing Campground (4WD)

    At the west­ern end of stun­ning Sev­en Mile beach, this remote and seclud­ed camp­ground is nes­tled among a grove of shady paper­bark trees behind a low coastal fore dune. All camp sites are with­in 100 metres of the beach and pro­tect­ed from most winds. Small boats can be launched from the beach. There are 4 allo­cat­ed, unpow­ered camp­sites. Access is 4WD only, suit­able for tents and off-road camper trail­ers. Facil­i­ties, long-drop toi­let. Camp­fires per­mit­ted, fire pits not pro­vid­ed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions and con­di­tions apply). Swim­ming, fish­ing, bird­watch­ing, beach walks, 4WDing, kayaking.
  • Sensation Campground (4WD)

    Locat­ed approx­i­mate­ly one kilo­me­ter from Sen­sa­tion beach, the camp­ground can be used as a start­ing point for walk­ers doing the overnight Whid­bey Wilder­ness hikes. With lim­it­ed shade and wind pro­tec­tion, the camp­ground offers unal­lo­cat­ed and unpow­ered camp­ing for 2 vehi­cles. Access 4WD only, suit­able for tents and off-road camper trail­ers. No facil­i­ties, near­est are at Mor­gan’s Land­ing (approx 7km). Camp­fires per­mit­ted, fire pits not pro­vid­ed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions and con­di­tions apply). Swim­ming, fish­ing, bird­watch­ing, trekking and 4WDing.
  • The Pool

    Locat­ed close to Point Sir Isaac, The Pool camp­ground is the most remote and dif­fi­cult to access camp­ground in Cof­fin Bay Nation­al Park. The camp­ground is set among mallee behind the fore dunes. Shade is lim­it­ed. There are 7 allo­cat­ed, unpow­ered camp­sites. Small boats can be launched from the beach via Site 2. Access is 4WD only, suit­able for tents and off-road camper trail­ers. Facil­i­ties, long-drop toi­let. Camp­fires per­mit­ted, fire pits not pro­vid­ed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions and con­di­tions apply). Swim­ming, fish­ing, bird­watch­ing, beach walks, surf­ing, 4WDing, kayaking.
  • Yangie Bay Campground

    With a choice of sites hav­ing bay views or being among shady sheoaks the Yang­ie Bay camp­ground has some­thing for every­one. This pop­u­lar camp­ground is the only 2WD acces­si­ble camp­ground in the park. Yang­ie bay is great for kayak­ing and pad­dle board­ing. There are 19 allo­cat­ed, unpow­ered camp­sites. Access via a sealed road, suit­able for tents to large car­a­vans and motorhomes. Facil­i­ties, long-drop toi­lets. Camp­fires per­mit­ted, shared fire pits pro­vid­ed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions and con­di­tions apply). Swim­ming, fish­ing, bird­watch­ing, short walks, trekking and kayaking.
  • Yangie Bay, Big - 4WD only.

    Locat­ed 2km along the 4WD Cof­fin track, the camp­ing area is also pop­u­lar for pic­nick­ing. Big Yang­ie Bay is a shal­low, pro­tect­ed inlet great for kayaks and pad­dle boards. The camp­ground offers unal­lo­cat­ed and unpow­ered camp­ing for 7 vehi­cles. Access 4WD only, suit­able for tents and off-road camper trail­ers. No facil­i­ties, near­est are at Yang­ie Bay (approx 2km). Camp­fires per­mit­ted, fire pits not pro­vid­ed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions and con­di­tions apply). Swim­ming, beach fish­ing, bird­watch­ing, 4WDing and kayaking.