Your passport to family adventure on Kangaroo Island

Your passport to family adventure on Kangaroo Island

Embark on an unfor­get­table jour­ney, col­lect­ing stamps, dis­cov­er­ing fas­ci­nat­ing facts and cre­at­ing mem­o­ries as you trav­el across the island. 

The pass­port will take you to sev­er­al loca­tions and once you’ve explored the sites and answered the ques­tions, sim­ply approach our friend­ly staff to stamp your pass­port, and you’re ready for even more island adventures!

Here’s a glimpse of the expe­ri­ences that await you:

Cape Willough­by Light­house — South Aus­trali­a’s Old­est Light­house.
This icon­ic bea­con has been shin­ing bright­ly since 1852, guid­ing ships safe­ly along our rugged coastline.

Seal Bay Con­ser­va­tion Park — A Haven for Aus­tralian Sea Lions
Wit­ness the won­ders of Aus­tralian sea lions in their nat­ur­al habi­tat, pro­vid­ing a unique encounter with these mag­nif­i­cent creatures.

Flinders Chase Nation­al Park — Home to Nature’s Mas­ter­pieces
Explore the impres­sive attrac­tions of Remark­able Rocks and Admi­rals Arch.

Kel­ly Hill Caves — Trav­el under­ground
Enjoy a guid­ed above-ground walk and learn about the caves’ his­to­ry before embark­ing on an under­ground adventure. 

To kick­start your adven­ture, pick up your Kan­ga­roo Island Parks Pass­port from one of these loca­tions: Cape Willough­by Light­house, Seal Bay Con­ser­va­tion Park, Flinders Chase Nation­al Park, Kel­ly Hill Caves or the Kingscote NPWS Office. 

For more details on redis­cov­er­ing Kan­ga­roo Island’s incred­i­ble nat­ur­al beau­ty one stamp at a time, vis­it https://​www​.parks​.sa​.gov​.au/

Need help plan­ning your hol­i­day to Kan­ga­roo Island. Be inspired by Your Guide to Kan­ga­roo Island’s most famous light­hous­es, Meet the Seal Whis­per­er or 6 things to do and see at Flinders Chase Nation­al Park.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living