Your guide to egg-cellent Easter camping

Your guide to egg-cellent Easter camping

As the East­er long week­end approach­es, many South Aus­tralians will be eager­ly await­ing the tra­di­tion of camp­ing in our state’s pic­turesque nation­al parks 

Before you head off, here are some tips to ensure that you have a safe camp­ing expe­ri­ence while look­ing after impor­tant ecosys­tems and cul­tur­al heritage. 

Plan ahead

Before you leave, check out Nation­al Parks South Aus­tralia for tips on accom­mo­da­tion, activ­i­ties, park clo­sures, day trips and more. 

Book before you go

Many of the camp­sites in nation­al parks need to be booked ahead of your stay. You can search for, and book, your camp­site using Find a Park.

Take your rub­bish with you

There are no bins in nation­al parks, so make sure that you bring along garbage bags and take your rub­bish with you when you leave. 

Leave your pets at home 

While fur­ry friends make great com­pan­ions, many nation­al parks do not allow pets. Leav­ing your pets at home will not only safe­guards their well-being but also min­imis­es the risk that they pose to native wildlife, plants and oth­er visitors. 

Fire safe­ty

Check if you can have a camp­fire. If it is per­mit­ted, bring your own fire­wood. Remem­ber you can’t for­age for or cut down wood in a nation­al park. Dead and fall­en tim­ber is impor­tant for birds, ani­mals and insects. 

When light­ing a fire, opt for gas or liq­uid fuel to abide by park reg­u­la­tions. Sol­id-fuel fires can pose sig­nif­i­cant risks to the envi­ron­ment, espe­cial­ly dur­ing fire bans.

Stick to des­ig­nat­ed paths

Stay on estab­lished roads and tracks to pro­tect both your­self and the del­i­cate coastal environment.

Fol­low these guide­lines to make sure that you have an egg-stra spe­cial Easter!

Need more camp­ing infor­ma­tion to help you get pre­pared? Check out Camp­ing dos and don’ts and 5 ways to spend time in nature in and around Ade­laide this East­er.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living