Your guide to adventure in Cobbler Creek Recreation Park

Your guide to adventure in Cobbler Creek Recreation Park

This park offers an exten­sive 20km net­work of shared-use trails per­fect for hik­ers and moun­tain bik­ers. It’s also a great spot to catch glimpses of birdlife and is home to the stun­ning red-rumped par­rot that can be seen nest­ing in Mallee-box tree hol­lows.

Find out more below.

A trail for everyone

The shared-use trails with­in Cob­bler Creek Recre­ation Park cater to a range of users, from casu­al walk­ers to sea­soned moun­tain bike rid­ers. With more than 20km of trails, there’s some­thing for every­one. The trails wind through scenic wood­lands and along­side Cob­bler Creek, offer­ing breath­tak­ing views and a chance to con­nect with nature.

For those seek­ing an extra dose of excite­ment, Pedler’s Pad­dock offers spe­cialised zones designed for rid­ers of all skill lev­els. Fam­i­lies with chil­dren or begin­ners can enjoy the safe­ty and encour­age­ment of the Begin­ners Zone, while thrill-seek­ers can test their skills on the Jump Tracks. 

For those look­ing for a fun chal­lenge suit­able for all ages, the Pump Track is a great place for begin­ner to advanced rid­ers to hone their rid­ing skills. Pump tracks teach body posi­tion­ing, cor­ner­ing, and jump tech­niques. Test your­self and see how many laps you can do with­out pedalling!

Did you know? Pedler’s Pad­dock is named after William Pedler, a local cob­bler (shoe mak­er) who lived here with his fam­i­ly from 1850 to 1916.

Choos­ing the right trail for you

There are trails rang­ing from easy to dif­fi­cult with­in the park, and it’s vital to pick one that match­es your skill lev­el. Research trails before you go — there’s infor­ma­tion about trails on the Cob­bler Creek parks page to guide you. When you get to the park, pay close atten­tion to the on-site signs and ensure you don’t cross onto more advanced tracks. 

The park offers advanced and extreme­ly advanced trails designed for high­ly con­fi­dent and expe­ri­enced rid­ers, which may include unavoid­able drops and gaps.

Down­load moun­tain bike trail maps

Many of our parks offer down­load­able PDF maps so you can choose a trail that’s right for you. Head over to your cho­sen park’s page and tap on the Maps’ tab. Got a smart­phone or tablet? Down­load the free Aven­za PDF Map app to keep inter­ac­tive nation­al park maps right at your fingertips!

Top tips to share the trails 

  • Keep your­self and oth­ers safe by being in the know before you go 
  • Be aware of your sur­round­ings and yield to oth­er users when necessary
  • Keep to the left and pass on the right
  • Com­mu­ni­cate with oth­ers when approach­ing or passing
  • Respect the envi­ron­ment and oth­er users’ experiences
  • Plan your ride or walk.

Explore and enjoy

Cob­bler Creek’s shared-use trails offer a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to explore the Ade­laide Hills’ nat­ur­al beau­ty while build­ing con­nec­tions with fel­low out­door enthusiasts. 

Grab your hik­ing boots, bike, or binoc­u­lars and expe­ri­ence the joys of shared-use trails for yourself! 

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living