Unlock 2 fun activities with the kids these school holidays

Unlock 2 fun activities with the kids these school holidays

Now is the per­fect time to embrace the say­ing there’s no such thing as bad weath­er, only unsuit­able clothing’! 

Rug up and head out­side these school hol­i­days – here are some fun ideas you might not have thought of:

1. Scav­enger Hunt at the Ade­laide Gaol 

Just a stone’s throw from Adelaide’s CBD is the Ade­laide Gaol, one of the creepi­est her­itage sites in South Aus­tralia that you can actu­al­ly wan­der through and explore.

And it’s not just for adults to enjoy – there are activ­i­ties spe­cial­ly designed for chil­dren too. Like the new Scav­enger Hunt!

Grab your think­ing caps and head to the Ade­laide Gaol these school hol­i­days for this brand new experience.

The chal­lenge involves using your map to search the gaol for food, water, shel­ter and oth­er basic needs to make your prison stay as com­fort­able as possible.

This is a great way to explore the grounds and learn about the fas­ci­nat­ing his­to­ry of one of the state’s old­est buildings.

The Scav­enger Hunt is free with entry and should take about an hour to com­plete. It can be under­tak­en any day of the school hol­i­days between 10 am and 4 pm.

Once the kids have marked off their items on their maps, they’ll receive a lim­it­ed edi­tion Win­ter 2022 school hol­i­day badge.

The badge, the sec­ond of a new school hol­i­days col­lec­tors’ series, will be avail­able on a first come, first served basis. There will be a new one to col­lect every school holidays.

2. Wild­ifi­ca­tion at Cle­land Wildlife Park

Win­ter hol­i­days don’t have to be about indoor play­grounds or screen time. 

In fact, with Cleland’s Wild­ifi­ca­tion pro­gram your kids will be treat­ed to a whole day of fun activ­i­ties, all while explor­ing the park and meet­ing the res­i­dent animals.

With 2 pro­grams to cater for dif­fer­ent age groups, there’s sure to be some­thing for your lit­tle nature-lover. 

The theme for these school hol­i­days is Mis­sion Sur­vive’, and kids will dis­cov­er how ani­mals adapt to sur­vive in the Aus­tralian bush through games, projects and oth­er fun activ­i­ties. They will even get a chance to learn how to orienteer. 

Wor­ried about the weath­er? Wild­ifi­ca­tion will still com­mence on rainy days and some activ­i­ties will be moved indoors. Just make sure your kids bring wet weath­er gear and their sense of adventure! 

There’s plen­ty to do to enjoy nature this win­ter – like stomp­ing in mud­dy pud­dles at a nation­al park. Check out our sto­ry to find out where.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living