Wheel life

Wheel life

Sev­en great places to ride a moun­tain bike in Adelaide’s nation­al parks

Did you know you could ride a bike on any pub­lic road in a nation­al park? Fire trails have also been opened up to cycling in some parks, while oth­ers have specif­i­cal­ly-designed moun­tain bike trails. So why not grab your bike and go for a ride this weekend?

Cen­tral: Belair Nation­al Park

Belair has a great range of trails for every­one from begin­ners to more expe­ri­enced rid­ers. For an easy option, try a ride on the fire trails. For some­thing a bit more stren­u­ous, do the 12km Adven­ture Loop Trail around the park.

Cen­tral: Cle­land Nation­al Park

Fol­low the Wine Shan­ty Trail to Cle­land Wildlife Park or, if you’re real­ly keen, chal­lenge your­self by con­tin­u­ing up to Mt Lofty Summit.

North:Cob­bler Creek Recre­ation Park

Intro­duce the kids to moun­tain bik­ing on the Begin­ners’ Cir­cuit or Easy Does It trail. Expe­ri­enced rid­ers can take on the Ruins Loop trav­el­ling clock­wise for an exhil­a­rat­ing down­hill run.

North: Para Wirra Recre­ation Park

Para Wirra has a sealed road net­work that is ide­al for bikes as well as cars. Take on the Scenic Dri­ve up to The Knob Look­out for a view of the whole park.

South:Sturt Gorge Recre­ation Park (Craig­burn Farm Shared Trails)

Start with Surf and Turf to find your feet, then make you way via Lit­tle Riv­er to Gunner’s Run, a fun flow trail for more expe­ri­enced rid­ers. New trails will also be opened in the park in the near future, so watch this space.

South: Shep­herds Hill Recre­ation Park

Shep­herds Hill already has some fun trails, but stay tuned for new trail devel­op­ments in com­ing months.

South: Onka­paringa Riv­er Recre­ation Park

Ride around the wet­lands in an easy loop that the whole fam­i­ly can enjoy.

Rid­ing tip: Bike rid­ing in parks is per­mit­ted on offi­cial tracks and trails and, if these are shared use tracks, watch out for oth­er rid­ers and walkers.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living