Into the wild

Into the wild

Spec­tac­u­lar land­scapes, seclud­ed beach­es, abun­dant wildlife, under­ground cav­erns, and unique her­itage places.

Kan­ga­roo Island is an unmiss­able destination.

The excit­ing prize pack­age for our Good Liv­ing com­pe­ti­tion includes a KI Tour Pass, which is the tick­et to the island’s top nat­ur­al and her­itage attrac­tions. The com­pe­ti­tion clos­es on Fri­day 12 June 2015.

The Fam­i­ly Tour Pass pro­vides access to Flinders Chase Nation­al Park, the Seal Bay board­walk and look out, as well as admis­sion to the Seal Bay guid­ed tour, Kel­ly Hill Show Cave tour and tours of the Cape Bor­da and Cape Willough­by lighthouses.

Flinders Chase Nation­al Park

The vast wilder­ness of Flinders Chase Nation­al Park is home to two of KI’s most icon­ic land­marks – Remark­able Rocks and Admi­rals Arch

Remark­able Rocks’ sur­re­al beau­ty has been sculpt­ed by the ele­ments over 500 mil­lion years and cap­tured in thou­sands of pho­tographs. Just 10 min­utes’ dri­ve from the Rocks, Admi­rals Arch frames fur seals bask­ing on a rocky shore­line. A board­walk and view­ing plat­form allows vis­i­tors to watch the fierce ocean swells of the West­ern Kan­ga­roo Island Marine Park. Flinders Chase offers walk­ing trails to suit dif­fer­ent abil­i­ties and time limits.

Seal Bay

Home to the third-largest colony of Aus­tralian sea lions in the world, the recent­ly upgraded

Seal Bay is KI’s pre­mier attrac­tion. There are no enclo­sures or cages at Seal Bay and vis­i­tors can take a 45-minute beach tour into the heart of the wild colony. There is also a spe­cial­ly con­struct­ed 800-metre board­walk to the Seal Bay look­out, which offers views of the sea lions as well as Cape Gantheaume and South­ern Kan­ga­roo Island Marine Park which pro­tects their feed­ing grounds.

Kel­ly Hill Caves

Kel­ly Hill Caves is one of the few dry lime­stone caves in Aus­tralia. Vis­i­tors can walk amid sta­lag­mites, sta­lac­tites, helic­tites and tow­er­ing columns to dis­cov­er how these nat­ur­al won­ders were formed. The more adven­tur­ous can suit up with a hel­met and head­lamp to delve deep­er into the cave sys­tem on an adven­ture cav­ing tour. Climb and scram­ble your way through an under­ground maze of small­er cav­erns to see high­lights, includ­ing intrigu­ing fau­na fos­sils and bones.

Light­house Tours

Enjoy the 360-degree views from the top of Cape Willough­by Light­house Tow­er on a guid­ed tour or vis­it the unusu­al­ly shaped Cape Bor­da Light­house on the island’s remote north-west cor­ner. The win­ner of our Good Liv­ing com­pe­ti­tion will have the chance to stay in a for­mer light­house keep­ers’ cot­tage at either of these sites. Read more about the Cape Willough­by and Cape Bor­da Light­hous­es and don’t for­get to enter the competition.

Pho­to cour­tesy of South Aus­tralian Tourism Commission

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living