May the fourth be with you in nature

May the fourth be with you in nature

In a galaxy not so far away, your favourite Star Wars char­ac­ters are kick­ing back in nation­al parks. Here’s where.

What do you get when you com­bine Star Wars Lego with nature? A very unique Insta­gram profile.

Stormtroop­ers, R2-D2, Boba Fett, Resis­tance pilots and Tusken Raiders fea­ture in Ryejedi’s unique Insta­gram pro­file, show­cas­ing some of the amaz­ing land­scapes and expe­ri­ences in Australia’s nat­ur­al spaces.

To cel­e­brate Star Wars Day, check out some of the char­ac­ters that have spent some time in Dhil­ba Guu­ran­da-Innes Nation­al Park on South Australia’s Yorke Peninsula.

Don’t despair though, you don’t need to be as tough as a Stormtroop­er to vis­it – there’s some­thing on offer for every­one.

Adelaide’s nation­al parks have great facil­i­ties like camp­ing not far from the city, toi­lets, pic­nic shel­ters, BBQ’s, play­grounds, and cycling and walk­ing trails.

So what are you wait­ing for? Vis­it a park today.

It’s your destiny.

May the fourth be with you in nature

May the fourth be with you in nature

May the fourth be with you in nature

May the fourth be with you in nature

May the fourth be with you in nature

May the fourth be with you in nature

The man behind the pro­file, Frankston City Nat­ur­al Reserves Senior Ranger Matt Tet­teroo, has a love of Star Wars and the great out­doors and enjoys shar­ing both with his followers.

(All images cour­tesy of@Ryejedi, Insta­gram)

This sto­ry was orig­i­nal­ly post­ed in May 2017.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living