Snorkelling safari

Snorkelling safari

It’s time to don the bathers, grab a snorkel and head on a lit­tle adven­ture to explore Encounter Marine Park.

From the coast­line of the Fleurieu Penin­su­la, to the Coorong and the east coast of Kan­ga­roo Island, South Australia’s Encounter Marine Park is jam-packed with activ­i­ties to enter­tain the whole family.

See some seals, bask on the beach, surf the sea, cruise the coast… the list goes on.

Accord­ing to one of SA’s lead­ing marine ecol­o­gists snorkelling safaris’ are a per­fect marine park fam­i­ly activ­i­ty, and where bet­ter to start than under the jet­ty. A range of fish, sea­hors­es, starfish and sponges love hang­ing out around the jet­ty pylons and are just wait­ing to be seen. 

So what are you doing this week­end? How about try­ing a few of our favourite jetties: 

  • The Port Noar­lun­ga Jet­ty (Port Noarlunga)
  • The Sec­ond Val­ley Jet­ty (Sec­ond Valley)
  • The Rapid Bay Jet­ty (Rapid Bay)
  • The Horse­shoe Bay Jet­ty (Port Elliot)
  • The Bluff Wharf (Vic­tor Harbor)

While there may be some sea­son­al vari­a­tion, snorkellers can spot mag­pie perch, zebra fish, tom­my rough, garfish, mul­let, squid and cut­tle­fish. You may be lucky enough to meet an old wife’ – oth­er­wise known as a zebra-striped reef fish. Look out for sea sponges too.

To spot a leafy sea drag­on, your best bet is to scu­ba dive at Rapid Bay. As South Australia’s marine emblem, see­ing these should be on everyone’s buck­et list.

While on your Marine Park adven­ture, why not indulge in some friend­ly com­pe­ti­tion and see who can spot the most fish under­wa­ter. Down­load the reef fish guide here and see who is first to tick off all the marine life – a first prize may be in order. 

Have a great week­end… We would love to hear your stories.

Immerse your­self in Encounter Marine Park — Noar­lun­ga Reef 

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living