4 places you can connect with nature these school holidays

4 places you can connect with nature these school holidays

Spring is here – time to stop hiber­nat­ing and get out­doors these school hol­i­days. Check out these activ­i­ties in SA.

With the spring school hol­i­days just around the cor­ner, you may already be start­ing to plan activ­i­ties to keep the lit­tle peo­ple in your life entertained.

We’ve all been hiber­nat­ing dur­ing these unprece­dent­ed times, but with restric­tions eas­ing and the weath­er improv­ing now is the time to get outdoors.

Here are four ideas to get you out and about and enjoy­ing nature in South Aus­tralia this hol­i­day break:

1. Cub­bies by the Creek’ at Belair Nation­al Park

Nature Play SA is hold­ing a slight­ly mod­i­fied ver­sion of their pop­u­lar Cub­by Town event these school hol­i­days in order to com­ply with Covid-19 restric­tions – but this doesn’t mean it won’t be any less fun!

Cub­bies by the Creek will be an inti­mate fam­i­ly cub­by-build­ing event at Belair Nation­al Park. With two ses­sions being held on Tues­day 29 Sep­tem­ber and lim­it­ed num­bers, it’s impor­tant to book ear­ly for this event.

Tick­ets are avail­able on the Nature Play SA web­site.

4 places you can connect with nature these school holidays

2. Wildli­fi­ca­tion’, Super Sur­vivors’ and more at Cle­land Wildlife Park

Head for the hills these school hol­i­days and pay a vis­it to Cle­land Wildlife Park. Cle­land has loads of fun activ­i­ties on offer so there will nev­er be a dull moment.

Book the kids in for the full-day Wildli­fi­ca­tion’ pro­gram, or enjoy the park at your own pace with one of the many Super Sur­vivors’ activ­i­ties through­out the day.

Check out the Cle­land web­site for details.

4 places you can connect with nature these school holidays

3. Escape Trail’ at Ade­laide Gaol

Are you smarter than the Ade­laide Gaol guards?

Try the chal­leng­ing new twist in the gaol’s pop­u­lar Escape Trail activ­i­ty.

These school hol­i­days your lit­tle ras­cals can help the naughty pris­on­ers solve the puz­zle and escape the walls – just like the real-life sto­ries of back-flip­ping cir­cus per­form­ers and crafty painters mak­ing their own guard uni­forms, who all thought their ideas would lead to freedom.

Help your kids wind their way through one of Adelaide’s old­est build­ings in this hide-and-seek game steeped in history.

The Escape Trail is includ­ed in your entry fee to the Gaol.

Check out the Ade­laide Gaol web­site for details.

4 places you can connect with nature these school holidays

4. School hol­i­day pro­gram at the Botan­ic Gar­dens of Adelaide

Immerse your lit­tle explor­ers, cre­ative kids and ani­mal-lovers in these school hol­i­days activ­i­ties at the Ade­laide, Mount Lofty and Wit­tun­ga botan­ic gardens.

Designed to pro­mote fun, hands-on learn­ing about plants, peo­ple and the envi­ron­ment, the pro­gram boasts a vari­ety of dif­fer­ent activ­i­ties such as Lit­tle Sprouts Kitchen Gar­den, Mak­ing Music with Plants and a Botan­i­cal Trea­sure Hunt Kit.

Be sure to pur­chase your tick­ets online before you get to the gar­den to avoid dis­ap­point­ment as these events are usu­al­ly quick to sell out.

Check out the Botan­ic Gar­dens of Ade­laide web­site for details. 

4 places you can connect with nature these school holidays

Want to know more about fun ways to con­nect with nature in South Aus­tralia? Check out the Good Liv­ing See and Do’library for sto­ries on every­thing from whale-watch­ing and camp­ing to gar­den­ing and moun­tain biking. 

(Main image cour­tesy of Jason Tyn­dall Nature Play SA)

This sto­ry was orig­i­nal­ly post­ed in July 2019.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living