Fun things to do along the River Murray

Fun things to do along the River Murray

If a trip to the riv­er floats your boat, read on for some great ideas to keep the fam­i­ly entertained.

School hol­i­days might have just fin­ished, but it’s nev­er too ear­ly to start plan­ning for next time. The Riv­er Mur­ray is a gold mine for great fam­i­ly activities.

Here are some ideas in and around the Mur­ray to get you started:

1. Monash Adven­ture Park

Monash Adven­ture Park in the heart of the River­land is a must see, and not just for kids. Adults can also get a kick out of the maze, fly­ing fox and wave bridge. A kiosk plus pic­nic and bar­be­cue areas means you won’t go hungry.

2. Monar­to Zoo

It’s hard to go wrong at Monar­to Zoo. Just an hour from Ade­laide and with tours, ani­mal expe­ri­ences and behind the scenes options, you’re bound to get in touch with your wild side.

3. Camp­ing

There’s an abun­dance of options along the riv­er if you’re a camp­ing fam­i­ly. Check out Loch Luna and Moorook Game Reserves, where you can peace­ful­ly canoe down the riv­er, tak­ing in the scenery and aquat­ic birdlife.

Or bring your fish­ing rod and stay at Katara­p­ko Creek in Mur­ray Riv­er Nation­al Park. Just make sure you fol­low the rules if you plan to throw in a line.

If it’s your first time camp­ing, prepa­ra­tion is the key – espe­cial­ly when you’re tak­ing the kids.

4. Four-wheel driving

4WD enthu­si­asts should make a bee­line for the famous Bor­der Track at Ngarkat Con­ser­va­tion Park, just south of Pina­roo. The track fol­lows the state bor­der between South Aus­tralia and Vic­to­ria and is packed with spec­tac­u­lar landscapes.

5. Boat­ing

If your fam­i­ly prefers a more laid-back out­ing, you can’t go past pad­dlesteam­ers and pad­dle­boats – and yes, there’s a dif­fer­ence! You can dis­cov­er parts of the riv­er that you wouldn’t be able to expe­ri­ence on dry land.

Look­ing for a more extend­ed peri­od on the water? House­boat hol­i­days are per­fect for that relaxed fam­i­ly vibe.

What’s your favourite fam­i­ly spot on the riv­er? Tell us in the com­ments below.

(Main image cour­tesy ofMike Haines, South Aus­tralian Tourism Commission)

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living