Help improve your favourite fishing spot

Help improve your favourite fishing spot

Com­mu­ni­ty grants are on offer to help boost recre­ation­al fish­ing in South Australia.

Are you pas­sion­ate about fish­ing? Got a great idea to encour­age more peo­ple to take part? Com­mu­ni­ty grants of up to $50,000 could make it a reality.

The Recre­ation­al Fish­ing Grants Pro­gramme sup­ports projects to improve recre­ation­al fish­ing expe­ri­ences, upgrade infra­struc­ture, offer spe­cialised train­ing or improve sus­tain­able fish­ing practices.

Last year, in round one of the pro­gramme, 37 grants of up to $20,000 were award­ed for projects across South Australia.

Appli­ca­tions are now openfor round two with increased grants of up to $50,000 on offer.

Projects that could receive fund­ing include:

  • Com­mu­ni­ty events such as fam­i­ly fun or train­ing days that increase fish­ing par­tic­i­pa­tion and skills
  • Paths, board­walks and fish­ing plat­forms to improve access and safe­ty at pop­u­lar fish­ing spots
  • Cook­ing sta­tions, fish clean­ing sta­tions, seat­ing or bar­beque areas
  • Fish habi­tat restora­tion or stock enhance­ment activ­i­ties that improve sus­tain­able recre­ation­al fish­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties and experiences.

The grants are part of a $3.25 mil­lion pack­age announced at the 2014 state elec­tion and aim to boost recre­ation­al fish­ing includ­ing in and around South Australia’s marine parks.

Appli­ca­tions for round two of the Recre­ation­al Fish­ing Grants Pro­gramme close atmid­night on Mon­day, 14 March 2016 and can be madeonline.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living