Get back to nature in festival season

Get back to nature in festival season

Parks Week gives you the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to recharge your bat­ter­ies in the great outdoors.

If all the late nights of Fringe and Fes­ti­val shows have left you a bit tired, we have just the solution.

Parks Week is an annu­al reminder of the impor­tance of parks and open space to our phys­i­cal and men­tal health.

South Aus­tralia has more than 300 nation­al parks cov­er­ing near­ly a fifth of the state, and there are 19 marine parks pro­tect­ing our coast and ocean habi­tats, so there are hun­dreds of ways for you to relax by get­ting back to nature.

Parks Week 2016 runs from 5 – 13 March and has a range of great activ­i­ties, like guid­ed bush walks, junior ranger chal­lenges and an out­door pilates ses­sion in Mount Remark­able Nation­al Park.

There is even a great half-price camp­ing deal for stays dur­ing the month of August in select­ed parks if you book online dur­ing Parks Week.

Events wrap up on Sun­day (13 March) with free vehi­cle entry to all parks across the state.

The only excep­tions to the free-entry offer are Cle­land Wildlife Park, Nara­coorte Caves and Tan­ta­noola Caves in the South East, and Seal Bay and Kel­ly Hill Caves on Kan­ga­roo Island.

March also sig­nals the begin­ning of cel­e­bra­tions to mark the 125th anniver­sary of Belair Nation­al Park, South Australia’s old­est nation­al park and cer­tain­ly one of our best-loved green spaces.

So what are you wait­ing for? Pack a pic­nic, grab some friends or fam­i­ly and enjoy your favourite park.

For a full list of Parks Week activ­i­ties and more infor­ma­tion on half-price camp­ing in August, vis­it the web­site.

Head­er image cour­tesy of Jason Tyn­dall,Nature Play SA.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living