New ways to enjoy mountain-biking in South Australia’s national parks

New ways to enjoy mountain-biking in South Australia’s national parks

Find out about some of the new trails and moun­tain bike ser­vices on offer in South Australia’s nation­al parks.

Moun­tain-bik­ing is a great way to explore South Australia’s nation­al parks and the good news is the trail net­work just got big­ger with 13 km of new trails added to O’Halloran Hill Recre­ation Park.

O’Halloran Hill Recre­ation Park in Adelaide’s south is well-known in the Ade­laide moun­tain bike com­mu­ni­ty for its exten­sive net­work of trails that cater for begin­ners right through to advanced riders.

The park’s new trails have some unique names includ­ing Grom Flow, which is per­fect for kids and begin­ner rid­ers, Syl­van­ian Fam­i­lies, which is a great way to enjoy a ride with the fam­i­ly with a for­est back­drop, and Haarsma’s Vision, which is named after Pete Haars­ma, a late Friends of O’Halloran Hill Recre­ation Park mem­ber who con­tributed much of his time to the trails in the park.

Pre­fer to explore the park with your feet firm­ly on the ground? These new trails are shared-use’, which means walk­ers and run­ners can also enjoy them.

New ways to enjoy mountain-biking in South Australia’s national parks

If you’d like to try moun­tain-bik­ing, but not sure where to start, check out Cob­bler Creek Recre­ation Park, north of Adelaide.

Cob­bler Creek is a great park to vis­it for fam­i­lies as the pump track – which is per­fect for kids – is sit­u­at­ed right next to the Kites and Kestrels play­ground, shel­tered pic­nic area and toilets.

A new pop-up moun­tain bike hub has also been estab­lished in the park, which means you don’t even have to own a bike to try out the trails.

Bike About Moun­tain Bike Tours are based in the park on school hol­i­days and on week­ends. They cater for begin­ners right up to advanced rid­ers, and offer moun­tain bike hire, moun­tain bike rid­ing skills ses­sions, bike ser­vic­ing and even birth­day par­ty packages.

New ways to enjoy mountain-biking in South Australia’s national parks

Want to read more about moun­tain-bik­ing? Check out ourtips for rid­ing in nation­al parks.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living