6 national parks with campsites available for the long weekend

6 national parks with campsites available for the long weekend

Still haven’t planned your long week­end get­away? Don’t despair. Here’s where you can still book a spot.

Spring has sprung and the weath­er is ide­al for a camp­ing adven­ture. With bright sun­ny days and cool star­ry nights, camp­ing in one of SA’s nation­al parks is a great way to get your fam­i­ly to recon­nect with nature. Many parks are in bloom with wild­flow­ers and new life.

With the Octo­ber long week­end and school hol­i­days fast approach­ing, now is the ide­al time to book your camp­ing hol­i­day. Here’s a few parks that still have camp­sites available:

1. Cof­fin Bay Nation­al Park

Yang­ie Bay Campground

Cof­fin Bay is syn­ony­mous with beau­ti­ful ocean views and lots to see and do. You’ll be set at Yang­ie Bay Camp­ground with toi­lets, a pic­nic shel­ter and kayak launch.

2. Lin­coln Nation­al Park

Sur­fleet Campground

Over­look­ing the pro­tect­ed waters of Boston Bay, this shel­tered camp­ground has toi­lets and easy bush walk­ing trails.

3. Ikara-Flinders Ranges Nation­al Park

Tre­zona Campground

Enjoy the seren­i­ty at this peace­ful camp­ground. Keep your eyes peeled for wildlife like kan­ga­roos and emus, and take a walk along the sev­er­al trails near the camp­ground. You’ll be pleased to know this camp­ground also has toilets.

4. Dhil­ba Guu­ran­da-Innes Nation­al Park

Pon­dalowie Campground

Bring your surf­board – this camp­ground is locat­ed near the beau­ti­ful Pon­dalowie Bay which offers long and rhyth­mic waves.

5. Coorong Nation­al Park

42 Mile Cross­ing Campground

If you like your space, this huge camp­ground is a great choice. Check out the walk­ing trail that leads to the beach, where you’ll be reward­ed with the sights and sounds of the end­less South­ern Ocean waves rolling in.

6. Moorook Game Reserve

Moorook Camp­ground

Locat­ed along the Riv­er Mur­ray this camp­ground offers direct access to the water so you can launch your kayak. There’s also plen­ty of gumtrees for shade. Don’t for­get to bring your shov­el, as this camp­ground doesn’t have toilets.

These are only a few of the hun­dreds of camp­grounds that can be found in SA’s Nation­al Parks. To book your next camp­ing adven­ture, check out theNation­al Parks South Aus­tralia web­site.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living