Lace up your hiking boots for WalkFest 2024

Lace up your hiking boots for WalkFest 2024

Walk­Fest 2024 is a free event cel­e­brat­ing walk­ing in South Aus­tralia. Set in Belair Nation­al Park on Sun­day 14 April, 2024, Walk­Fest show­cas­es an array of walk­ing expe­ri­ences tai­lored to suit all ages, fit­ness lev­els, and interests. 

Hik­ing Expo

Whether you’re plan­ning your first walk or you’re a sea­soned hik­er, the hik­ing expo show­cas­es a vari­ety of walk­ing expe­ri­ences for both begin­ners and expe­ri­enced hikers. 

Come along to explore walk­ing tours and des­ti­na­tions, vis­it out­door retail­ers, learn more about local walk­ing clubs and even pop along to the sec­ond-hand gear stall to grab a bar­gain and sup­port sus­tain­able hiking. 

Guid­ed walks and hikes

Walk­Fest is host­ing 22 guid­ed hikes through­out the day, so whether you’re drawn to bush­land trails or urban path­ways, you’ll find a walk that allows you to enjoy being out­doors in nature. 

Join NPWS for guid­ed tours led by knowl­edge­able park rangers, where you’ll uncov­er hid­den gems and fas­ci­nat­ing wildlife. Join us for 2 dog and stroller friend­ly short hikes, 

  • the Micro­carpa Hike with Dogs leaves at 10 am and will take you through one of the most diverse and best-pre­served wood­land areas remain­ing in the Mount Lofty Ranges.
  • The gen­tle Birdie Loop Trail leaves at 11 am and is great for a quick stroll with your dog (on lead), or a bike ride with the fam­i­ly, explor­ing the greens and fair­ways of what was the Belair Golf Course. 

Rang­ing from 45 mins to 3 hours, all walks depart from the Walk­Fest site in the morn­ing. There are many options to choose from includ­ing child friend­ly, dog friend­ly and acces­si­ble routes. 

Secure a place on a spe­cif­ic guid­ed walk by reg­is­ter­ing online from or just arrive on the day and choose a guid­ed walk to join.


Walk­Fest is free to vis­it and includes vehi­cle entry to the nation­al park. Guid­ed walk tick­ets are $10 per adult with up to two accom­pa­ny­ing chil­dren for free. 

Secure a place on your cho­sen walk by pur­chas­ing a tick­et online or just arrive on the day and choose an avail­able guid­ed walk.


In addi­tion to explor­ing the great out­doors, Walk­Fest 2024 offers a wealth of edu­ca­tion­al oppor­tu­ni­ties designed to deep­en your under­stand­ing of South Aus­trali­a’s nat­ur­al and cul­tur­al heritage. 

Engage with local experts through infor­ma­tive talks, work­shops, and inter­ac­tive ses­sions that delve into top­ics such as wildlife con­ser­va­tion, indige­nous his­to­ry, and sus­tain­able tourism practices.

Gain new insights and per­spec­tives that will enrich your walk­ing experience.

Love explor­ing our nation­al parks? Check out our guide to walk­ing, hik­ing and bik­ing in our nation­al parks here.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living