10 things you might see on the KI Wilderness Trail
Time’s running out to enter our KI Wilderness Trail adventure competition. Here’s what the lucky winner will see.
Earlier this year, the Kangaroo Island Wilderness Trail was named one of Lonely Planet’s top new destinations to visit in 2017.
If that’s not enough to convince you to take a walk on the wild isle, here’s 10 fascinating things you might be lucky enough to see on the trail.
1. Moss
Commonly found on rocks and under trees in shady and damp areas. Reach out and feel the softness of this furry green as it holds the surrounding soil together.
2. Ligurian bees
These busy insects – which originally hail from Italy – collect honey from flowers on warm days and take it back to their hives in tree hollows and rock crevices.
3. Pink fairy orchids
Short in stature, the Caladenia latifolia only grows to about 10 centimetres in height. Get down low to appreciate its rich colour, attractive features and soft petals.
4. Moths and butterflies
These flying insects float in the wind and flit between plants in the low coastal vegetation to lay their eggs.
5. Rainbows
Misty rain and sunshine produce stunning rainbows across the trail. The best vantage point is along the coast.
6. Long-nosed fur seals
Long-nosed fur seals rest on the rocks at Cape du Couedic and Cape Younghusband between their fishing trips.
7. Red-headed mouse spider
These robust and agile hunters live on the ground in sandy soil around the island.
8. Collared earthstar
This fascinating fungi species starts in a ball-shape, then splits into a star to reveal a soft ball inside. Spores puff out through a hole in the centre if it’s touched.
9. Rosenberg goannas
Look along the edges of the trail and you might just see a Rosenberg goanna. These leathery lads seek extra warmth by lying on vegetation that has heated up from the sun. Watch for the blink of their eyes and the flick of their tongue.
10. Wandering sea anemone
Many sea creatures can wash up on the shore during stormy weather on the island – they’re lovely to look at but can still provide nasty bites.
Like what you see? Here’s your chance to win
To celebrate the launch of Good Living’s new Facebook page, we’re giving one lucky reader the chance to win a Kangaroo Island Wilderness Trail adventure.
The prize pack valued at more than $1000 includes a double-pass for two lucky people to complete the five-day trek, return ferry travel for you and your car thanks to SeaLink, and a porterage service for your camping equipment so you don’t have to lug it around each day, thanks to Western KI Caravan Park.
All you need to do to go into the draw is subscribe to Good Living, like our new page on Facebook, and like SeaLink and Western KI Caravan Park on Facebook as well.
Entries close on Friday November 17. See our terms and conditions for more information.
Have you conquered the Kangaroo Island Wilderness Trail? Tell us what you’ve discovered in the comments section below.
This story was originally posted in September 2016 and has been updated now to include details about the KI Wilderness Trail adventure competition.