Family-friendly seaside activities for summer

Family-friendly seaside activities for summer

Fan­cy some ocean fun these sum­mer hol­i­days? You and the kids will love these cheap activ­i­ties in SA’s marine parks.

Do you want to explore South Australia’s seas, but not sure where to start? We’ve got you and your kids cov­ered this summer.

SA’s Immerse Your­self pro­gram offers you a bunch of fun events across the state, includ­ing snorkelling tours, sand man­dala mak­ing, guid­ed tours of SA’s coasts, sand­cas­tle build­ing com­pe­ti­tions, recre­ation­al fish­ing, kayak­ing events, and more.

Family-friendly seaside activities for summer

More than 100 marine and coastal activ­i­ties are on offer through­out Jan­u­ary, with costs rang­ing from free to $10 per per­son. Book your spot today.

Do you need a lit­tle push to dip your toes in the water? Here’s four rea­sons why the ocean is great for you:

  1. Splash­ing, wad­ing, and pad­dling in the ocean is fun, and breath­ing in the ocean air can help you sleep at night.
  2. Expo­sure to the ocean’s salty envi­ron­ment has been found to reduce symp­toms of hay fever.
  3. The water helps you cool down and relax, and spend­ing time in nature is good for your mind. Plus, the sand is a nat­ur­al skin exfo­lia­tor.
  4. The ocean envi­ron­ment can inspire cre­ativ­i­ty. Take a look at some of our weird-look­ing marine crea­tures – they just might spark your imagination.

Family-friendly seaside activities for summer

So make the most of your local marine park this sum­mer and immerse your­self in SA’s incred­i­ble under­wa­ter world to see nature at its best.

Also, keep an eye out for the new­ly wrapped marine edu­ca­tion van – Coral the Car­a­van’ – to learn more about the 85 per cent of south­ern Australia’s marine life that isn’t found any­where else in the world.

Family-friendly seaside activities for summer

If the under­wa­ter world is right up your alley, check out ourfootage from below the sur­face, and learn somequirky factsabout the crea­tures that live there.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living