5 things to do in the last week of school holidays

5 things to do in the last week of school holidays

Need inspi­ra­tion for the last week of school hol­i­days? Check out the activ­i­ties on offer in South Australia’s marin

To cel­e­brate sum­mer, school hol­i­days and our beau­ti­ful marine envi­ron­ments more than 40 events have been organ­ised in the state’s marine parks.

There’s still plen­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ties to get your feet in the water (or toes in the sand), here’s our top picks.

  1. Enjoy a night reef walk in Dhil­ba Guu­ran­da-Innes Nation­al Park

Explore the reefs and rocks pools of Dhil­ba Guu­ran­da-Innes Nation­al Park on a guid­ed night walk led by a ranger.

Learn about adja­cent South­ern Spencer Gulf Marine Park and its unique sea life.

2. Join a reef ram­ble at Cof­fin Bay

Enjoy a guid­ed tour at low tide led by Expe­ri­enc­ing Marine Sanc­tu­ar­ies and Reef Watch SA.

Expe­ri­ence amaz­ing marine life and colour­ful habi­tats per­fect for pho­tog­ra­phy enthusiasts.

3. Head to a fam­i­ly fun day at Port Noarlunga

Don’t miss the Eco Beach and Aquat­ic Adven­ture fam­i­ly fun day organ­ised by the City of Onka­paringa.

Those who attend will learn about Port Noar­lun­ga Reef Sanc­tu­ary Zone and enjoy snorkelling, fish­ing, build­ing sand­cas­tles and much more.

4. Explore Encounter Marine Park

Nature Play SA’s park of the month for Jan­u­ary is Encounter Marine Park.

Down­load their free guide, 20 things to dis­cov­er in Encounter Marine Park and see how many things you can tick off your list.

5. Go on a marine tour

Join a licensed tour oper­a­tor and learn about some of our amaz­ing marine wildlife includ­ing seals and dolphins. 

Dis­cov­er some of the ded­i­cat­ed tour oper­a­tors in Encounter Marine Park includ­ing SNU­BA at Port Noar­lun­ga and The Big Duck boat tours at Vic­tor Harbor. 

Immerse Your­self with Dol­phins and Seals at Vic­tor Harbor 

Immerse Your­self in the World of SNUBA 

Have you enjoyed spend­ing time in a marine park this sum­mer? Tell us about your expe­ri­ences in the com­ments below.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living