How you can help protect our precious beaches

How you can help protect our precious beaches

South Australia’s nation­al parks and Crown land are more than just pret­ty sights. They’re home to incred­i­ble wildlife and veg­e­ta­tion and include areas that hold deep cul­tur­al sig­nif­i­cance to First Nations peoples.

Before you start explor­ing South Aus­trali­a’s breath­tak­ing beach­es this sum­mer, here’s a friend­ly reminder of how you can help keep our coast­line pris­tine while you soak in the beau­ty of these nat­ur­al wonders.

Leave no trace

Pack some garbage bags and take your rub­bish back home as bins are not available.

Fur­ry friends

While we all love our canine com­pan­ions, most parks aren’t an ide­al hang­out for them. Leave your dog at home for their own safe­ty and to min­imise risk to native wildlife, veg­e­ta­tion and oth­er visitors. 

Please note that assis­tance dogs are wel­come in nation­al parks and reserves. 

Fire safe­ty

Stick to gas or liq­uid fuel fires (unless it’s a total fire ban day) as sol­id-fuel fires aren’t per­mit­ted in most parks.

Stay on track

Be sure to only dri­ve on estab­lished roads or tracks to keep every­one safe and to pro­tect the del­i­cate environment.

To find park-spe­cif­ic infor­ma­tion – dog-friend­ly parks, camp­fires etc. – vis­it Find a Park for more details. And keep in mind that there are penal­ties for offences in these areas, so it’s best to stick to the guidelines.

Let us help you plan your next beach adven­ture with 5 fun things to do at Adelaide’s beach­es while you Dis­cov­er South Australia’s best beach­es this summer!

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living