How you can have fun in the mud at Cleland

How you can have fun in the mud at Cleland

Back for its sec­ond year, Mud and Play Day is a hands-on day of fun for kids and tod­dlers aged 1 – 5 to build, cre­ate and play with mud.

Activ­i­ties includes a mud pit, mud art, mak­ing potions with nat­ur­al objects and water, mud kitchen play, nature play/​loose parts play, sto­ry time, music time and more!

Mud is a great way for kids to express their cre­ativ­i­ty and imag­i­na­tion, as well as prac­tice prob­lem solv­ing and devel­op resourcefulness.

Play­ing with mud is also a great way for young chil­dren to be phys­i­cal­ly active while get­ting out­doors and con­nect­ing with the envi­ron­ment through nature-based hands-on sen­so­ry activities.

Mud and Play Day will be held at Cle­land Wildlife Park from 9:30am – 12:30pm on Fri­day, 11 August 2023.

Make sure to grab your tick­ets by 5pm, Wednes­day 9 August. Book here

Want some more ideas for your next out­door adven­ture with the kids? Check out Top 3 Ade­laide nation­al parks for your tod­dler to enjoy mud, glo­ri­ous mudand How to spend a day in South Australia’s Cle­land Wildlife Park

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living