How you can help save koalas in Australia

How you can help save koalas in Australia

Koala Life is a South Aus­tralian organ­i­sa­tion that began in 2018 through an Act of State Par­lia­ment to con­serve and research koalas under the Min­is­ter for Cli­mate, Envi­ron­ment and Water.

Its staff are work­ing to raise mon­ey for crit­i­cal koala research, estab­lish a nation­al net­work of koala knowl­edge, find solu­tions for koala dis­eases, under­stand and pro­tect habi­tat and under­stand how koalas live with people.

This work is impor­tant because koalas are under threat. They’re fac­ing habi­tat loss, life-threat­en­ing dis­eases and ram­pant bushfire.

Koala Life has worked hard to estab­lish a koala breed­ing pro­gram at Cle­land Wildlife Park in the Ade­laide Hills. It includes koalas from Kan­ga­roo Island and Vic­to­ria that are genet­i­cal­ly diverse and dis­ease free. This breed­ing pro­gram will con­tribute to ensur­ing the sur­vival of koalas in Australia.

You can help con­tin­ue this vital work by donat­ing to Koala Life. A $100 gift could plant 26 trees to feed the koalas in the breed­ing pro­gram. If you’re inter­est­ed in spon­sor­ing a koala, $200 could take com­plete care of a koala for one week!

Donate now.

Want to learn more about the koala breed­ing pro­gram at Cle­land Wildlife Park? Check out our sto­ries on how res­cued Kan­ga­roo Island koalas found a new home at the park and every­thing you need to know about the park’s new Vic­to­ri­an koalas.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living