Top five things to see in Gawler Ranges National Park

Top five things to see in Gawler Ranges National Park

Dis­cov­er the spec­tac­u­lar scenery and native wildlife at South Australia’s best stargaz­ing spot.

With a choice of sev­en camp­grounds there’s some amaz­ing loca­tions to pitch your tent in Gawler Ranges Nation­al Park.

For first time vis­i­tors Kolay Hut Camp­ground is a great place to start, it’s with­in walk­ing dis­tance of Kolay Mir­i­ca Falls and has basic facil­i­ties includ­ing toi­lets and fire­places. Just remem­ber to bring your own fire­wood and observe sea­son­al restrictions.

In dry weath­er much of the park is acces­si­ble by two-wheel dri­ves with high clear­ance, but the best way to expe­ri­ence the area is by four-wheel dri­ve. Tracks range from rocky to sandy.

In sum­mer tem­per­a­tures reg­u­lar­ly reach the mid-40s so the cool­er months are a great time to visit.

Five things to see in Gawler Ranges Nation­al park

  • The Organ Pipes – Climb to the top of these ancient rock for­ma­tions, the result of vol­canic erup­tions more than 1500 mil­lion years ago.
  • Kolay Mir­i­ca Falls – Vis­it at sun­set to see the stun­ning orange-red rocks at their glow­ing best.
  • Sturt’s Lake – Dry for most of the year, a heavy down­pour can trans­form Sturt’s Lake from shim­mer­ing salt pan to a wide, watery mirror.
  • Wildlife – The park is home to a wide range of ani­mals, includ­ing Major Mitchell’s cock­a­toos, ring-neck par­rots, yel­low-foot­ed rock wal­la­bies, hairy-nosed wom­bats, goan­nas, emus and, of course, kangaroos.
  • Old Paney Home­stead – Vis­it the old stone home­stead that remains as a reminder of the park’s days as a remote pas­toral property.

Down­load the Gawler Ranges Nation­al Park map for the loca­tions of these must-see sites.

Did you know?

Gawler Ranges Nation­al Park is so remote that it has no light pol­lu­tion. On a clear night it’s one of the best places in the state for stargaz­ing, turn­ing your camp­site into a five-mil­lion star hotel.

Have you been to Gawler Ranges Nation­al Park? Share your tips for vis­it­ing in the com­ments below.

This sto­ry was orig­i­nal­ly post­ed in Octo­ber 2015.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living