5 colour palettes you can find in national parks

5 colour palettes you can find in national parks

Ever noticed how each nation­al park has its own nat­ur­al colour theme? Here are some of our favourites.

If you look through pic­tures of any nation­al park on Insta­gram, you might notice that the pic­tures all have a dis­tinct colour theme.

Here are some of our favourite images tak­en by parks vis­i­tors, which show­case some of the most dis­tinct and diverse nat­ur­al colour themes in parks.

1. Pic­canin­nie Ponds Con­ser­va­tion Park

With its clear turquoise water, navy blue depths and lime green algae – Pic­canin­nie Ponds is a divers’ and snorkel­ers’ paradise.

5 colour palettes you can find in national parks

2. Simp­son Desert Region­al Reserve

This harsh and strik­ing envi­ron­ment show­cas­es ochre red sand dunes, nev­er-end­ing hori­zons and bushels of spiky spinifex grass. This park is a favourite of four-wheel dri­vers and intre­pid campers.

5 colour palettes you can find in national parks

3. Ikara-Flinders Ranges Nation­al Park

This park’s colour palette varies with the sea­sons. In win­ter, the land­scape is green with new growth, in sum­mer the grass dries and dusky, warm colours take over.

5 colour palettes you can find in national parks

4.Coffin Bay Nation­al Park

The crys­tal clear waters and rolling white sand dunes make this a must-see park for beach lovers and vis­i­tors to the Eyre Peninsula.

5 colour palettes you can find in national parks

5. Cle­land Nation­al Park

Cool fog­gy morn­ings, win­ter water­falls and mossy gul­lies drench this park in for­est green and dap­pled sunlight.

5 colour palettes you can find in national parks

Like what you see?Get snap­pingwhen you’re out in about in nation­al parks and share your pho­tos with Nation­al Parks South Aus­tralia onInsta­gram.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living