Celebrate Halloween at Adelaide Gaol

Celebrate Halloween at Adelaide Gaol

From a trick-or-treat trail to delight the younger mem­bers of the fam­i­ly, to the spooky after-dark activ­i­ties that will test the nerves of your tweens, this year’s event is sure to be spooktacular!

Often whis­pered as one of South Aus­trali­a’s eeri­est land­marks, Ade­laide Gaol was home to some of the state’s most noto­ri­ous felons. With a span from 1841 to 1988, it’s no stretch to imag­ine the ghosts of the past prowl­ing the corridors.

This Hal­loween, Ade­laide Gaol will come alive, not with its past res­i­dents, but with play­ful zom­bies, charm­ing vam­pires, and mis­chie­vous villains. 

Top tip: Secure your Ear­ly Bird Tick­ets before they sell out!

Whether you’re chan­nelling a ghost, gob­lin, or witch, dive into the Hal­loween mag­ic by don­ning your most spine-chill­ing costume.

Event Specifics

Date: Sat­ur­day 28 Octo­ber 28, 3pm — 11pm (last entry 8.30pm)

Venue: Ade­laide Gaol, 18 Gaol Road, Adelaide.

Ear­ly Bird Pric­ing: Child ($12.00), Con­ces­sion ($16.00), Adult ($20.00), Fam­i­ly ($51.20).

Food and music: You can then feast from food trucks and enjoy live music and per­for­mances through the day. 

Pre-book tick­ets here.

We advise pur­chas­ing a look bag when you book, as there won’t be any avail­able on the day.

Celebrate Halloween at Adelaide Gaol

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living